Search results

  1. owaters

    PDA - Palm or Windows CE?

    Hello all, I have finally come to the point in my life where I need to start using a diary actively so I am on the search for a decent PDA capapble of synching with Mail, Address Book and iCal. I am looking for something which has few flaws, syncs well with Macs and has the capability for...
  2. owaters

    MSN Messenger + Webcam

    Not as yet, however Adium will hopefully have it soon (
  3. owaters

    Show Icon Preview Rotation For Photos Incorrect

    In previous version of OSX, the Finder has recognised the rotation of a photo when using the 'show icon preview' feature in the 'View Options'. However Tiger doesn't seem to. All my portrait photo's are showing up as landscape when previewed. If I open them in 'Preview' or 'Photoshop' the appear...
  4. owaters

    Show Icon Preview Rotation for photos incorrect

    Is anyone else having this problem?
  5. owaters

    Show Icon Preview Rotation for photos incorrect

    Hi, In previous version of OSX, the Finder has recognised the rotation of a photo when using the 'show icon preview' feature in the 'View Options'. However Tiger doesn't seem to. All my portrait photo's are showing up as landscape when previewed. If I open them in 'Preview' or 'Photoshop' the...
  6. owaters

    ._ Resource Fork files annoying! How do I remove them?

    Anyone else having problems with these really annoying ._ files. They are resource forks dropped usually onto removable media (USB keys etc) by Mac OSX. Very annoying when connecting my mobile phone up and copying media to it. I end up with a load of ._ files which my phone can't read or delete...
  7. owaters

    iTunes 5 - What would you like to see?

    All I would like to see is the ability to make track changes seamless, no pause whatsoever. I have loads of Mix CD's, once they are on itunes, with cross fade completely off the mixes are still no seamless. However, if they are played directly off a CD in iTunes they are fine. APPLE PLEASE...
  8. owaters

    MSN messenger

    You will need to enter the proxy address into the network preferences. Usually places that run proxies will have a .pac or .proxy file which you can enter into the 'Automatic Proxy Configuration' setting. Ask your network administrator for this file or the proxy url.
  9. owaters

    MSN messenger

    Try Adium and in the 'account' preferences, goto the 'Option' tab and check 'Connect via HTTP'. That sorted it for me ;)
  10. owaters

    Re-Index Mail

    Is it possible to re-index mail? If so, how? The search function has just decided to stop working, it picks up a few things but no where near enough.
  11. owaters

    Uninstalling NAV 10.0?

    This is not compatible with v10 sadly. Finally found the solution here: Thank god I can finally...
  12. owaters

    Mail 2.0 - Composing in HTML / Rich Text

    Hi, I have just been testing the integrity of Mail at sending HTML/Rich Text emails to Outlook with regard to the message's apprearance once it arrives. After playing about for about an hour now I have found a few problems. It appears that the Rich Text in Mail 2.0 has changed from 1.0. My...
  13. owaters

    Blurry letters?

    Simple solution people... Goto system preferences > appearance Set the 'font smoothing style' to Standard - Best for CRT Then, this is slighly odd but it sorted it for me.... Goto system preferences > International and remove all the languages you don't use just leaving the only...
  14. owaters

    Uninstalling NAV 10.0?

    Hi, Does anyone know how I can uninstall Norton AntiVirus 10? There is nothing in the documentation, nothing on the site and no option to uninstall on the installer! Thanks, Ollie
  15. owaters

    Annoying Tiger Sounds

    Exactly the same here. Spotlight can't find either.
  16. owaters

    Annoying Tiger Sounds

    Cheers... Do you know what happens if I delete one of these sounds. Will that cause an error of will it just ignore the sound?
  17. owaters

    Annoying Tiger Sounds

    Hey, Just wondering if anyone knows how to disable the annoying sound when you move a file/folder from one place to another? Thanks
  18. owaters

    [How To] Mail 2.0 - Get all accounts to appear in the Signatures section

    Found the fix for people who face the problem of their Mail accounts not showing up in the Sigantures section of Mail 2.0... To get your accounts to appear in the signature section do the following: 1. Go to your Mail Preferences 2. Click the 'Accounts' tab 3. Select the account you wish...
  19. owaters

    Signatures in Mail 2.0

    Found the fix for people who face this problem in the future... To get your accounts to appear in the signature section do the following: 1. Go to your Mail Preferences 2. Click the 'Accounts' tab 3. Select the account you wish to show up in you signature list 4. Click the 'Advanced' tab...
  20. owaters

    Signatures in Mail 2.0

    Hi people, I am having some trouble setting up signatures in Mail 2.0. In the signature preferences only 2 of my 8 email accounts are showing up, meaning I can only define signatures for those two accounts. Anyone know how to add accounts to the signature section? Cheers, Ollie