i want to see them concentrating on iTUNES, not a shop, not a video shop, not cack video support (most videos don't have meta already. it's just more work), and addressing the fundamental audio aspects that were great 5 years ago, but haven't been touched since. the audio processors need overhaulling, with buffering and other aspects etc; searching, with spotlight now a reality, could become faster, more efficient; the 5 year old visualizer, designed to run on 0S9 technologies is dated now, a Core Image one would sell macs; the artwork thing needs more work - when importing a cd, if you attach artwork, it will be lost in the encoding, whereas all the rest of the meta remains - this lies more with gracenote though - the CDDB needs updating to include high-res artwork.
in general, i think they should take a look again at winamp (it's main rival, IMO) and see how that has progressed, find out why anyone would use this over iTunes, and fight back. the MilkDrop vis, is nothing short of incredible at times - seem to predict the mood of the music and changes accordingly -it's always right. amazing. the mini player fades to whatever opacity (to completly transparent if you want), until you roll over it. unobtrusive, and usefull. and just generally the host of options - everything can be turned on or off, modified in someway - it's obviously the pro's choice - itunes is VERY consumer at times.