iTunes 5 - What would you like to see?

It's only a minor thing, but one thing I always found strange is how the iTunes window isn't smooth (have a look at the jagged rounded corners...eww). I do agree it needs more optimization more than anything...AND AN ITUNES MUSIC STORE IN AUSTRALIA FOR GODS SAKE! How long has it been?!

Pretty much everything I want has been said already. I like the idea of skins too.
Are you guys actually arguing over whether iTunes can go beyond 4.9?? Hm, that's not childish...I mean God forbid that Apple do something crazy like 4.10 or something...

ANYWAY I agree Mikuro. I think it needs to be rewritten and hopefully some better visuals!
OK, here's what I'd love to see in iTunes 5:

The Visualizer Thing - To be able to see the visualizer in fullscreen on a second monitor (multi-monitor support).
All I would like to see is the ability to make track changes seamless, no pause whatsoever. I have loads of Mix CD's, once they are on itunes, with cross fade completely off the mixes are still no seamless. However, if they are played directly off a CD in iTunes they are fine.

I second that, owaters. Also on the iPod. I think it's certainly not necessary for _any_ reason. But it kills (well, disturbs) those tracks that should stick to the next one...
winamp, for years (since 2.7ish) has had buffering options, to completely buffer in the next track, even on shuffle. it's always been really nice, and yet iTunes doesn't do it. also, it skips through silence (based on a "below 20dB etc" thing) so it's even more seamless. this would be nice in 5
I am hoping that ITune able download movies and tv channels without waiting for schedule to watch it. It have llittle similiar to TIVO. I heard rumors that TIVO going to have able to download new movie released without going to movie theatre. umm..
A way to easily proof cd playlists before burning. What I mean is that I make a bunch of compliation/mix cds and I am picky about how one song transitions to the next. It would be handy if I I could listen to the first and last say 30 sec or so to listen how one song transitions into the next. This way I know how the cd will sound as an album without having to listen to the entire playlist. I do this manually now, but it would be nice to automate this.

Also, a way to give feedback when building a playlist about when the list is close or above the time limit for an audio CD without needing to switch to the playlist to see how long it is. Would be handy.
Aside from seeing the ITMS opened in Australia, I couldn't think of anything worthwhile that I'd add to iTunes 5. Perhaps this is a mark of really good software, you really have to struggle to work out how to improve it ... and end up just saying "Themes".

MrNivit1 said:
Also, a way to give feedback when building a playlist about when the list is close or above the time limit for an audio CD without needing to switch to the playlist to see how long it is. Would be handy.

Just double click the playlist in the sources pane, and it opens the playlist in a new window. You can then drag things from your library to your playlist and drop them into any position, and see instantly how much time/space you're using. :-D
symphonix said:
Just double click the playlist in the sources pane, and it opens the playlist in a new window. You can then drag things from your library to your playlist and drop them into any position, and see instantly how much time/space you're using. :-D

Oh neat! Thanks didn't know that... learn somethin' new everyday. :p :o
i want to see them concentrating on iTUNES, not a shop, not a video shop, not cack video support (most videos don't have meta already. it's just more work), and addressing the fundamental audio aspects that were great 5 years ago, but haven't been touched since. the audio processors need overhaulling, with buffering and other aspects etc; searching, with spotlight now a reality, could become faster, more efficient; the 5 year old visualizer, designed to run on 0S9 technologies is dated now, a Core Image one would sell macs; the artwork thing needs more work - when importing a cd, if you attach artwork, it will be lost in the encoding, whereas all the rest of the meta remains - this lies more with gracenote though - the CDDB needs updating to include high-res artwork.

in general, i think they should take a look again at winamp (it's main rival, IMO) and see how that has progressed, find out why anyone would use this over iTunes, and fight back. the MilkDrop vis, is nothing short of incredible at times - seem to predict the mood of the music and changes accordingly -it's always right. amazing. the mini player fades to whatever opacity (to completly transparent if you want), until you roll over it. unobtrusive, and usefull. and just generally the host of options - everything can be turned on or off, modified in someway - it's obviously the pro's choice - itunes is VERY consumer at times.
Now I got one, and haven't read right through if anyone else had suggested, but, if iTunes is playing ad I launch a DVD that iTunes would pause the song and let DVD player take over and even if it could happen with QuickTime too, woud be handy :D
i've just thought. iTunes 5 is VERY delayed (iPhoto 5, iMovie 5, GarageBand 2, iDVD 3 and only iTunes 4.7 was iLife 05). they must have been working very hard on this, and must be wanting the result to be impressive.

man i can't wait. i love itunes