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  1. C

    The column view - love it or leave it?

    Yes, use the arrow keys to move left and right between columns. The up and down arrow keys move up and down within a column, or you can go straight to items in a column by typing the first few letters of their name.
  2. C

    9.2.2 freezes while starting

    As the machine boots and the extensions load, you see the icons pop up along the bottom of the screen. Whatever is the last one you see before the crash is probably the culprit. Chris
  3. C

    Is Iraqi war justified?

    Did your Mama tell you to post that?
  4. C

    printer sharing via internet sharing in OSX v10.2

    Shouldn't be too hard. Just create a computer to computer Airport network on the Cube and the two Pismos should join that network. The printer sharing part should be automatic. Chris
  5. C

    connecting w/o an internal modem?

    I believe ISDN is like dialup, but digital. Still, you dial a phone number to connect.
  6. C

    connecting w/o an internal modem?

    I don't think the internal modem setting is specifically for internal modems. I think it's just Apple's name for the modem port on machines that have a modem installed. I assume there would be some other port named ...modem for an external modem. And if there isn't, your OS probably doesn't see...
  7. C

    Some changes for 10.3

    My 10.2 Finder installation does remember the size and position of windows. All you have to do is close the toolbar and use icon view. Voila! The Finder will be just like 9!
  8. C

    connecting w/o an internal modem?

    I think I know what you mean that in the Network Preferences, next to "Show:" it doesn't list a modem, right? If that's the case, select Show: Network Port Configurations. Then put a check in the box next to Internal Modem. Then you should be able to configure it.
  9. C

    connecting w/o an internal modem?

    You probably need a special driver for the ISDN modem. What model is it? Does the ISDN modem manufacturer offer any support on their web site? And I don't think installing an analog modem to your iBook will help you set up a digital modem. They are separate devices that use different...
  10. C

    Smoothly going from 9 to X with Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Snapshot.

    fishbonex, If you hold the control key down when you take a shapshot, it gets placed onto the clipboard where you can paste it into Photoshop. If you really use snapshots as part of your workflow, buy Snapz Pro X. You will be glad you did. Who asked about Snood? It's available for OS X: Snood...
  11. C

    Booting OS 9 on new PowerMacs

    Thanks Frycke, I don't think anyone would fake a report. Could they just be making an argument that it should work, or are they actual first hand reports? I, for one, don't have a machine to test it on, but I've seen hints on the web, and discussion over at MacNN (I think) and nobody reported...
  12. C

    Booting OS 9 on new PowerMacs

    I haven't seen a single report on the net from someone who has booted a new Mac into OS 9. Can you put up a url? Chris
  13. C

    jaguar's glass effect

    Search google for "how to make aqua buttons" and you will find many online tutorials.
  14. C

    MathCAD or something similar??

    Let's not get sidetracked. Masternew is right, Office X does ship with an equation editor. Mine is called "Equation Editor" and it's in the Office folder. Take another look at your install CD. Chris
  15. C

    Booting OS 9 on new PowerMacs

    This is what we in the industry call a "bogus hint." ;) It won't make your new Mac boot OS 9. All it does is install an OS 9 system folder onto your hard drive, which is already there as part of OS X's Classic environment anyway. Chris
  16. C

    Some changes for 10.3

    This will never happen, I hope, unless it's available as a preference setting. OS X's window layering is so much more flexible than OS 9's. And if you really want all of an applications windows to come to the front, you can do it with the Window menu or by clicking on the dock icon. Chris
  17. C

    Finding Office v.X version

    Zeal is right, the Microsoft Component Plugin shows the release number for Office. Chris
  18. C

    {HOWTO}system profile

    Run Apple System Profiler to get the drive's manufacturer and model number. Then visit the manufacturer's support page to get the drive specifications.
  19. C

    creating a root folder

    I was just wondering. We have a users' group in the Tech Center area called Macintech. I'm sure we have members who use Dreamweaver. But I don't know who. I was going to suggest you send a query to our mailing list, but I think you should be able to find the answer online somewhere...have you...
  20. C

    creating a root folder

    Hmmm...that means nothing to me. Do you live in the Denver area?