jaguar's glass effect


official breaker of macs.
i can't get it to look right for the life of me. can someone offer any tips? it really looks like someone's making a selection (bottom left to top right) and filling it with white, but it looks so crisp on safari's buttons and imovie's buttons. i can't giet it to look like that at all. everything seems so heavy when i do it.

any tips?

If there was a way to turn down the antialiasing on selections in Photoshop... The only suggestion I can think of is to turn off antialiasing on selections, and start with a large canvas. Work on it for a bit and then when you're done, shrink the whole thing down. I'm thinking that would give you the crisp edges you seek.
I'm going to try this on Photoshop when my rendering gets done and I'll post my results. :)
Check it out. The PSD is attached. A little advice, I did make the symbol a bit large. Sorry about that.


  • glass.sit
    14.9 KB · Views: 20
it's not the aqua buttons that i'm after, it's the new crisp glass look that jaguar has. ricky's got the right idea. i need to figure out how to apply that look to a header for a graphical skin (ie for a bulletin board).

thanks for the help so far. i'm examining the psd now ricky ^_^