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  1. S

    Help Files Don't Work!!!

    I followed the instructions suggested in this forum for a broken help viewer. deleted the 2 preference files and the cache folder for help. NOTHING! this problem is so aggravating... added to the rest of the crap i've encountered with Tiger, and seriously considering a Win machine. It seems...
  2. S

    Illegal Access Attempts W/smc Wireless 802.11b

    I have a teeny lil' wireless network with a 12" aluminum powerbook and a new 12" ibook set up at home. I've configured the SMC server to email the security logs, and to my shock I receive about 20 emails aday telling me that the log is full! that means that there are about 100 access...
  3. S

    [B]Kernal PAnic when pbook is physically moved[/B]

    thanx... that's pretty much what i'd expected. bummer.
  4. S

    [B]Kernal PAnic when pbook is physically moved[/B]

    I receive the dreaded multi language kernal panic warning when I physically lift and move my 867 powerbook 12"... it also happens occasionally if I press own the area to the left of the trackpad. any thoughts? this is a new occurence(I'm pretty sure it's a physical problem.) all...
  5. S

    SMC barricade, thousands of access attempts!!

    I have a teeny lil' wireless network with a 12" aluminum powerbook and a new 12" ibook set up at home. I've configured the SMC server to email the security logs, and to my shock I receive about 20 emails aday telling me that the log is full! that means that there are about 100 access...