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  1. D

    Copy/Paste broken

    No matter what I copy, it doesn't go in the clipboard. The clipboard is empty, paste command does nothing. I've looked for pbs in activity monitor, and it's not there... If I manually start it with /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs, it disappears after a few seconds. I can't drag/drop text...
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    Dead G5?

    It doesn't even power on long enough to have a problem with memory/cards. Pressing the power button does absolutely nothing. Dead PSU?
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    Dead G5?

    Thanks guys, I've tried all of those, but no help. -Dogcow
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    Dead G5?

    When I woke up this morning, I found that my G5 was off. I pressed the power button and nothing happened. I've reset the PMU per, but still nothing. Any advice? Thanks
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    Setting up Postfix

    How can I get Postfix configured to send mail properly, and redirect sendmail requests to it?
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    Finder windows won't refresh

    Have you tried dragging the missing drive to the sidebar? I accidentally dragged my hard drive out once, and dragging it back fixed it. Cheers, -Dogcow "moof!"
  7. D

    Finder windows won't refresh

    Does the Finder team actually test anything before they ship it out? Another annoying bug is if you're in a sidebar folder and use spring-loaded folders on another item, the sidebar item you were in will remain highligthed. If you want to get back to it, you have to click on another item to...
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    Finder windows won't refresh

    If I copy a folder to my mac from another machine, or if I create files in it via the command-line, the Finder won't show the files in the window. I can close it, open again, get info on it, etc. and the files still won't show. I did figure out yesterday that I can drop another file into it...
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    Fixing spaces in pathnames

    Is there a way with cocoa to programmatically fix spaces in path and filenames? I'm sending the path or filename to an NSTask, so it needs to be formatted right for the command line to be happy... Any suggestions? -Dogcow "moof!"
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    Need help learning Cocoa

    Aaron Hillegass's book is excellent. I highly recommend it. -Dogcow "moof!"
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    Cocoa OpenGL...HELP!

    Turns out what I was forgetting was the fact that I have to use values between -1 and 1... *oops* -Dogcow "moof!
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    Cocoa OpenGL...HELP!

    Yeah, I thought I might need those... However, even with that added, nothing shows up in the view other than the black background. Ideas? CocoaGL is rather difficult since most OpenGL people don't know cocoa and most cocoa people don't know opengl... Any help would be appreciated...
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    Cocoa OpenGL...HELP!

    I'm trying to use the example in /Developer/Examples/OpenGL/Cocoa/CocoaGL to draw a single pixel inside the MyOpenGLView. Does anyone have any experience trying to do this? I've simplified the drawRect function to: I added these two lines...I though they'd draw a pixel: Any...
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    another newb int question...

    I have a method that accepts an integer and returns an integer. I can call it with myInt = [self myMethod:myInt]; But when I try to send in an element of an integer array... myInt = [self myMethod:myIntArray[i][j]]; it results in an infinite loop. Is there some syntax I'm...
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    Int to String?

    Great, thanks man!! My bad for not mentioning it's mutable... -Dogcow "moof!"
  16. D

    Int to String?

    Hm... Compiles fine, but the integer doesn't show up at all... #import "test.h" @implementation test - (IBAction)testAction:(id)sender { int myInt = 30; testString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; //testString = @"This is a \n test of strings"; [testString...
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    no dynamic memory allocation in obj-c?

    I declared an integer array in my header file: int *data; and am now trying to set the size of that array once I pull the dimensions from two textfields: data = new int[x][y]; but Project Builder complains that 'new' is undeclared. Why doesn't this work? Any way to get around...
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    Int to String?

    #import "test.h" @implementation test - (IBAction)testAction:(id)sender { int myInt = 30; testString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; //testString = @"This is a \n test of strings"; [testString appendString:@"This is a \n test of strings"]; [testString...
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    Int to String?

    I have a 2-d Integer array and an NSString. How can I append an integer onto the back of NSString? I normally use appendString for strings, but does anyone know how to put the int into it? Thanks, -Dogcow "moof!"
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    The GUI: