They can't kill of his father that luke from the dukes of hazzard!!!!!!
I think that is about the only reason to watch that, and they were going to a radiohead concert!
You know I just realized something, I started out as a designer and I loved GoLive, when I started reading about acctual programming was about the time Adobe bought golove and I started switching to dreamweaver, and I know a designer who does pure wysiwyg pages and he loves golive, maybe the...
Swizcore, I started with go live (when it was cyber studio) because dreamweaver sucked really bad at the time, then it seems right around the time adobe bought it it went way downhill and dreamweaver started to truly rock, I find the interface very intuitive, the javascript is cleaner, the add...
Yeah this sucks, have you by any chance been able to get mod_auth_mysql to compile for apache??? We are close to a perfect development system, I really hope the php mods and apache mod guys will help move us to the finish line.
that shows you how to make ultradev use the javaruntime and jsp built in in OSX, and people have already built mysql and php addons, so i think it should be pretty easy (relativly). I would never buy another adobe product if they did that in the OS X release (btw I have a friend who is beta...
MS and NBC have a partnership, so what better way to help out a flailing piece of crap then give it free advertising, now maybe abc should buy the west wing and display apple products
The admin here rocks, it doesn't matter how many post or anything, PM him and he will take it into consideration, there are so many threads I don't think he gets a chance to look through them all so PM him and see what he says
Dreamweaver UltraDev(with local php and mysql support) and Fireworks!!!!!
Office X is amazing, I beta'd suitcase and it kicks atms butt, (maybe thats why adobe isn't making it) also Now UptoDat and Conact I think are very close to final, I also beta's Dave 3.1 well worth the price!
As a mysql developer this is the most amazing front end I have seen, and with a price tag how can you beet that, well it all sets up a config file so you can auto start up and do other things like set login permissions, if you do mysql, get this tool!
I have tivo and dvd burn g4, anyone dumped to a dvd yet, if so whats the quality like, I am one week in PDX on week in SFO and I'd love to dump my shows to dvd to watch in my office when I am working late
I got an iPod today, so guess what I did, I put all my diagnostic tools and osx on it and made a bootable diagnostics, disk and file repair bootable mp3 player..... Apple I Wuv ewe
But I really hope that the StarWars one comes out for the mac when released, but then I would get no work done and my wrists would turn into a crippled mess, maybe i really don't want it port (JK):D
I think you are mistaken or possibly misinformed on a couple points of your last post
First bin Laden has been tried under islamic law in absentia in pakistan and found guilty
Second if the taliban had given up bin Laden this would not be over, if you listen to bush and rumsfeld they say...