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  1. smithy

    What Features would you like to see in Leopard?

    I think the whole Vector interface for text is extremely versatile and worth it. Accessability wise, text will be much clearer for users when using zoom and also text globally will be extremely clear. Also since vector files are usually quite minimal in size, this should probly increase system...
  2. smithy

    Microsoft Names Upcoming OS

    Wtf Vista? It just really shows the diverse difference between microsoft and apple of their marketing schemes. Notice the type face of Windows Vista is similar to the Macintosh typeface used in the system? Actually i found this from another site about Win Vista.
  3. smithy

    Deleting .Trashes

    Hi, I have a (mac/pc) USB drive that i use quite regurally to transfer files to and from pc's and macs. However what i have realised is whenever i delete something off it in OS X, it still stores those files in the .Trashes folder. So to clean it up i have to use windows to delete the...
  4. smithy

    still no aussie store

    Hmm okay then.
  5. smithy

    still no aussie store

    I think the main problem to do with international stores (other than us) is to keep the price a song the same internationaly. And i'd say that would be hard because of conversion exchange rates get my drift ?
  6. smithy

    still no aussie store

    Yeah here 'down under' should have an ITMS really soon since there are soo many iTunes and Macintosh users on the rise in Australia. Personally Bigpond music sucks, im a bigpond/telstra internet user and the billing system sounds too complicated because you have to add it to your monthly balance...
  7. smithy

    Bleed lines ??

    Ah ok cool thanks alot.
  8. smithy

    Bleed lines ??

    Hi, Im working on an landscape 300 dpi A3 image, however i just want to make sure i've done the bleed lines right. The bleed lines are 3mm so i've just added 3 mm to the default size of the A3 image and then added guides so i know where it will chop off. Oh and i'm doing this in Photoshop...
  9. smithy

    Flash and Mac

    Happens to a lot of people im pretty sure of. Flash is faster in Firefox, its just because the flash player hasn't been optimized for Mac therefore is very slow. I've wondered about this too, hopefully we will find a performance increase with the next version of flash.
  10. smithy

    iTunes Backup

    The easiest way i've found to backup my music, and you keep all of your files and playlists - is simply to copy the 3 items located in your home directory Music>iTunes and there should be 3 files (a folder, iTunes data file and an xml file). As Randman said the best option is probly to get an...
  11. smithy

    Tiger RAM Requirements & Issues...

    So diablo you think it might just be because of my hard-drive? That sounds pretty much right. Im actually running out of space i've only got 12gb left (that finder says on the hd icon) but i don't know if that includes the vm 4gb capacity. So the solution would be to get a external hard-drive...
  12. smithy

    Tiger RAM Requirements & Issues...

    Hmm this is really interesting actually since the purpose of Tiger was to be faster than Panther on G5's and G4's. How do you think Tiger will run on my eMac G4 1.25ghz 1gb ram, with Photoshop CS, Illustrator CS, iTunes (music playing), Adium, Safari, Activity monitor running and with around...
  13. smithy

    What to call "them"...

    Shit, i posted in the wrong thread then sorry lol. But personally those names just dont catch on. I think just intel macs then.
  14. smithy

    What to call "them"...

    Personally why should the name Macintosh change just because of the new processor. I think everyone has become a bit predijuce of the change. The real soul of the computer is the OS and the OS has always been called Mac/Macintosh. I hope they continue the G3, G4, G5 thing - even though if it...
  15. smithy

    Panther gone Weird-ish...

    Well i did permisions and its still happening zammy, and the uiserver is still hung. But i realllllyyyy dont feel like setting up a new account i guess as long as it doesn't stuff up it should be okay but is the systemui server somethign serious well obvsioly it stands for user interface i guess...
  16. smithy

    Von Neumann Architecture

    Thankyou soo much Cat and Viro, it really helped me out for the exam even though i probly failed it. Thanks again !
  17. smithy

    Von Neumann Architecture

    lol i actually found that but i sorta don't understand it. Oh im soo dumb ..
  18. smithy

    Panther gone Weird-ish...

    Hi, Lately and right now Panther (10.3.9) has being becoming abit unstable. I haven't done permissions lately probly a couple weeks ago was my last time. But recently watching activity monitor the SystemUI server has been becoming Hung. So i relaunch it because basically a program yesterday it...
  19. smithy

    Von Neumann Architecture

    Totally off topic but can someone explain to me in the most simplest terms cause i don't understand big technical stuff what the Von Neumann Architecture is and The Bottlekneck is aswell. I've got a big IPT test tommorow and yeah i really dunno what it is. Thanks in advance help me !! ::ha...
  20. smithy

    Is it worth upgrading to Tiger to help sell my iBook?

    Hmm i got a tablet yesterday Graphire3 6x8. Awesome things but i'd really suggest to get an intous3 just feels more pro i think.