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  1. smithy

    Adium 0.81 - Growl not working

    Omg i am soooo dumb i just figured out how to enable the growl !! It was from the events prefs in adium. Well thats how i got around it. Thanks again anyways !
  2. smithy

    Adium 0.81 - Growl not working

    Well i have growl 0.6.2 but i really dont feel like trashing everything again and reinstalling. However i just might try it, last time i trashed all of the stuff from applications support > adium 2.0. So yeah i mite try it thanks, hopefully it will work !!
  3. smithy

    Adium 0.81 - Growl not working

    Hi, Ahhh growl is not working with Adium now. My Adium stuffed up a couple days ago so i had to reinstall it and it hink i had .80 and i got the new one .81. I went into the package contents > plugins/disabled and found there was no growl plugin. So i downloaded an older version to get the...
  4. smithy

    MSN Messenger 5

    Personally i still prefer Adium, ecspecially the way i have it set up. The only thing that i've hate about Adium is the file transfer thing is slow and abit un-inituitive. I don't really like the brush metal use in this new msn, im not a big fan of brush metal only on some windows like finder...
  5. smithy

    Sandisk Flash Drive - Gone weird...

    Hi, Well i have a Sandisk mini cruzer flash drive (128mb). Basically i use it between mac and pc, but for some reason when i bring it to mac it gives me the wrong reading of space even though i deleted everything off it. At the moment it says 122mb, 10.5mb Free - but i just deleted...
  6. smithy

    Adesso vs. Wacom

    I'm in the market for a wacom tablet mainly looking at the graphire just for vector work. However im just always confused about the sizing because a 6x8 graphire is the same as the 4x5 intous3. Very confusing. What would you's recommend is the best size ??
  7. smithy

    CD-RW Mac to Windows

    Awesome thanks zammy, at least i got that one out of my hair.
  8. smithy

    CD-RW Mac to Windows

    Thanks - I was thinking i will need toast, but i usually just burn data cd's through finder. So do you reckon if i make a mac and pc compatable cdrw will it work ??
  9. smithy

    CD-RW Mac to Windows

    Hi, Well i have to work on this A3 printwork in photoshop, and basically i have to travel it to and from school. However it will not fit on my memory stick which is 128mb, and i don't really feel like having to reformat my ipod to windows which i could do as the comptuers have usb2 and...
  10. smithy

    iTunes and Tiger

    When i need to backup my music i simply just copy the 3 files from Home directory>Music>iTunes. There should be 2 files and one folder, the folder has your music and the other files just have info about the playlists i think. So basically just copy those files to your ipod or external hd and...
  11. smithy

    Tiger Blue Screen Lock-Ups!

    Happens to me too. However i think its been happening since 10.3.6. Not sure but its rather weird but it doesn't really bother me.
  12. smithy

    New iTunes Music stores are open!

    argh, when are they going to open one for australia !!
  13. smithy

    Tiger eats 100% CPU

    hmmm off topic but brendan has the same first name and spelling as me .... :rolleyes:
  14. smithy

    is the Rev B iMac what you had hoped for?

    I love the new iMac, it makes me wanna trade in my eMac for a 17" 2.0ghz. I think apple have made all their new desktops white (besides pm g5) because its simple. And apple are the best example of simple computing so thats why they use white. Also from a colour point, white goes with...
  15. smithy

    New Adium 0.80

    Well my understanding of Growl ( its like a program that displays event notifications on your screen like graphically with some text. Theres plugins for a applications and these applications tell Growl (or vise visor) to display an notification. I could be right or wrong ???....
  16. smithy

    New Adium 0.80

    Hmm its running smoothly for me so far, the event notifications now will only work with growl.. Another startup item to my list..
  17. smithy

    My first Mac; some questions?

    To show thumbnails like XP when in finder press command (or apple key) + J or go View > Show View Options. Then click show icon preview. However in xp if there is images in a folder it will show a preview of the images in that folder, OS X doesnt. ;)
  18. smithy

    New Adium 0.80

    New version of Adium out. - Some of the features are pretty good ecspecially the new file transfer that really needed some work done. However the new preference pane(s) are pretty confusing after upgrading (well for me). Also some of the features like the event...
  19. smithy

    Time For Some Change...

    I like the new buttons, but maybe like for all the headers which say the date and time a post was posted as well as similar headers - maybe just a subtle blue gradient background ?? Also could you by any chance change the colours of the quickreply box i don't really like the shades of purple for...
  20. smithy

    Time For Some Change...

    Nice work Scott i think the forum needed a new facelift. I really dunno about the background though like i think it seems to be too dark. Maybe if you can you shoudl include a grey gradient or even a blue gradient for the background... Well yeah nice work !