CD-RW Mac to Windows



Well i have to work on this A3 printwork in photoshop, and basically i have to travel it to and from school. However it will not fit on my memory stick which is 128mb, and i don't really feel like having to reformat my ipod to windows which i could do as the comptuers have usb2 and firewire. So the only thing i can think of is rewritable cd's. Most of the computers there have rw-cd burners but how can i make a cd that can go to windows and back to mac. The computers are running xp.

Anyone ?? Thanks in advance :)
On the mac side you can easily read the content of a CD-RW burnt on winxp. If you want to rewrite the CD-RW on your mac you should only make sure you burn it as a mac&pc compatible format and not mac only. How do you burn CDs on your mac? Using Toast will make it a lot easier..
Thanks - I was thinking i will need toast, but i usually just burn data cd's through finder. So do you reckon if i make a mac and pc compatable cdrw will it work ??