Search results

  1. jeb1138

    What do you wish Leopard would have?

    I vote for this. Actually, I think Apple should license QuickSilver from All those seconds saved in launching/switching/everything-else-that-quicksilver-does really add up.
  2. jeb1138

    Restricting Application Access

    I'd like to help a friend disallow the use of a few apps in OS X 10.4 on a couple middle school computers for kids. I wanted to do this using the MCX settings. This article: gives a hint of how to restrict which applications *can*...
  3. jeb1138

    pearLyrics shut down -- lyrics are a secret?

    Well, looks like the answer to this subject wasn't so *obvious* after all, eh? PearLyrics has been issued an apology by the ones sending nasty legal letters.,1412,69856,00.html Hopefully this means PearLyrics will return in all its greatness. I guess the...
  4. jeb1138

    iPod Video Thread - (speculation, rumours etc.)

    Except that this 'small one' is wireless. Stringing a cord across your front room isn't very pretty. And we all know what Jobs tells us about aesthetics. :)
  5. jeb1138

    Apple Teams with Google on Music search Could be pretty cool with all the community-like features Google seems to be including in the search results. At the same time Google is also partenering with Real & eMusic & etc. Vendor-neutral seems good...
  6. jeb1138

    pearLyrics shut down -- lyrics are a secret?

    Amen to that. Really? I have the 0.5 widget and it's still working great. I don't see what their point in doing this is. Obviously they have the legal backing to say people can't redistribute their lyrics. So what? That doesn't explain this one at all. 3 reasons: 1. I can't see anyone...
  7. jeb1138

    pearLyrics shut down -- lyrics are a secret? pearLyircs looked up lyrics online and inserted them into iTunes. **They got a cease and desist letter!!!** This is totally insane. Why in the world would the record industry shut down someone that was providing a service *benefitted* them?!? There is just simply no...
  8. jeb1138

    Stopping OS X from converting dashes...

    Anyone know of a way to prevent OS X from converting a double dash '--' into an long (em) dash? In TextEdit, for example. This would be nice when I am trying to code a C++ program. XCode manages to not convert the dashes, but TextEdit & SubEtha seem to have this problem/feature due to...
  9. jeb1138

    new iPod, new iMac, PhotBooth
  10. jeb1138

    new iPod, new iMac, PhotBooth

    "Ok, so we’re still having issues, but here’s what we’ve got so far. Apparently there’s a Salling Clicker replacement for the Mac—a Mac remote, as it were. It’s called FrontRow. We also have word of a new, flatter iMac with built-in iSight. This guy will have a larger drive, FrontRow, and will...
  11. jeb1138

    new iPod, new iMac, PhotBooth
  12. jeb1138

    John Siracusa Mourns the Power PC Fantastic article on the passing of the Power PC by Siracusa of arstechnica. Also a very informative Q&A at the end. Good read for the Mac faithful. And it's not despairing! Just some appropriate mourning for a beloved lost...
  13. jeb1138

    Intel Prepping Surprise Dual-Core Desktop for Release

    Nice! Maybe this is part of what good 'ol Stevie & Intel had up their sleeves. Hey -- we finally get to be excited about Intel releases. Cool! And...weird. the article itself:
  14. jeb1138

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    lol, the image your post creates is just plain wrong. True, there are flaws, but it's child's play to point out tons of flaws in ANY major operating system. That's a cost of providing many features. The fact is, Apple has done a tremendous job providing those features with a LOW amount of...
  15. jeb1138

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    I think your article criticizes more of what you thought he said than what he actually did say. For one thing, he said a main reason that they were switching was because of performance PER watt of energy of FUTURE products. Notably not absolute performance, which is what you spend a large...
  16. jeb1138

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    But making an emulation program (e.g. VirtualPC) is MUCH easier and will be MUCH faster. Apple could bundle one for free with the operating system and you could potentially slap your copy of Windows onto it and be running Windows apps faster, easier and more integrated than VirtualPC ever hoped...
  17. jeb1138

    Why couldn't Apple go With AMD?

    It seems like a good idea for Apple to go with the big dog (Intel) on beginning this big switch. The bigger point is that _after_ this switch takes place they _will_ be able to think about going AMD, or even going AMD for one line and Intel for another. Who knows -- maybe Apple will eventually...
  18. jeb1138

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    I wouldn't bet the farm on it either, but I'd be pretty confident in it. Given that Apple almost definitely uses Xcode for its software and given that Apple is going to be trying very hard not to make current customers mad, _and_ given that Apple has known about its transition plans much longer...