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  1. B

    Apple just doesn't get it.

    Say what? The fastest Itanium2's will only be 1.5ghz by the end of the year! I haven't seen the prices for the Dell, but if you look at their higher end Xeon workstation, it's $4k, and that's for a single processor system, so you can probably safely assume the I2 will be at LEAST that...
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    Linksys Router with Powerbook

    When you say "no connection" what are you doing to come to that conclusion? Are you trying to hit a website and it's failing? Since it looks like you're getting an ip, it would appear you're talking to the router ok. Have you tried pinging your router (ping If ping works, then...
  3. B

    Fast User Switching

    This is OT (sorry), but now that some of you are actually using FUS, I had two questions. First, is it possible to turn the cube animation off, or at least change it to something quicker. Second, is it possible to have the same user log into multiple sessions (and not have things...
  4. B

    And yall thought the G4 was dead ...

    There is an article on The Register about Motorola moving up the timetable on the latest G4 proccie (7457). It will be fabbed using a .13 micron process (vs .18 for current G4's) and will use less power, making them excellent candidates for use in Powerbooks (and maybe iBooks?). There is...
  5. B

    Help with Airport and Windows

    I don't have an AP base station, but if you're connecting it to a pc, does it require a cross over cable? If you happen to have one laying around, you could try it out. Or alternatively, if you have a hub or switch sitting around, try plugging them both into that instead of directly.
  6. B

    Did Lennox really win?

    Didn't see the fight, but I did hear an interview with Vitaly though. He was obviously gutted by the whole thing. He kept saying that he was able to see fine despite what it may have looked like to the ring doctor. He handled himself with class though and didn't go off too much. Just said...
  7. B

    whats the deal with this? [G5 bashing from slashdot]

    I can't believe that as a group that is constantly decrying the "mhz myth", that some Mac folk all of a sudden get so hung up on the "benchmark myth". Geez people, go back and read your own posts about why "mhz doesn't matter in the real world" (speaking of which, funny how the old DP G4's...
  8. B

    Console connection from OS X to a Network Device

    You'll need a usb<->serial cable and some terminal emulation software (like zterm). Newer Macs really suck for this type of thing. I keep around an old laptop PC since it's perfect for this type of app. It has 4MB RAM and some tiny hd (32MB I think), runs Win 3.11 and hyperterminal (I also...
  9. B

    802.11 a vs. b vs. g

    Sorry, can't help you there. All my stuff is either 'a' or 'b', don't have any 'g' yet (and really no need since I have 'a', though I'd LOVE to be able to get my Pismo on my 'a' :mad: ) In theory, any 'g' AP should work, though I understand in practice this isn't always the case. The most...
  10. B

    Panther not really 64 Bit?

    I agree, and again, perhaps as a stopgap, this is what Apple will ship. After all, just like you said, how else is Apple going to allow you to accessing anything above 2GB. Well either you can't, or Apple did some tweaks to allow you to do it (assuming that Panther is not fully 64bit, which is...
  11. B

    Hulkaros must be stopped!

    I'm amazed it hasen't been said yet, so ... Whatever you do, don't make hulkaros mad, you wouldn't want to see him mad. :D
  12. B

    Panther not really 64 Bit?

    Whoa, 68k emulation still in OSX, I really doubt it. OS9 perhaps, but not OSX. Just because the hardware can support 8GB RAM doesn't mean that the OS can. After all, if Apple intends to release a full 64bit OS in say a 1 year time frame, it would be easier for them to ship hardware today...
  13. B

    802.11 a vs. b vs. g

    802.11a - 54Mbps 5.6ghz. Pros - high performance, 5.6ghz means less interference from 2.4ghz stuff (other 2.4ghz networks, phones, microwaves, etc). Fewer people have 'a' so tends to be more secure. Cons - higher frequency means shorter distances. more expensive hardware. very difficult to...
  14. B

    Powermac G5 SPEC numbers cooked?

    Well some of the stuff he said was a bit off, but the fact is that much of what he said was right on. When I was listening to the keynote, I was bemused by the fact that the benchmark numbers they produced were using gcc. An odd choice on the Wintel side since, unless you're using Linux, a...
  15. B

    Flags with c

    Just a convention used to more easily distinguish between flags vs values. Take "ls" as an example: ls -l l the line above does a long listing of files/dirs named 'l'. If you didn't have the - in front of the first l, you wouldn't be able to tell which was the flag and which the value...
  16. B

    Flags with c

    easiest way is to use argc and argv in your "main" function. int main(int argc,char *argv[]); where argc is a count of the number of parameters and argv is an array of pointers to the actual strings themselves. By default, argv[0] is the name of your application. So if you wrote a...
  17. B

    Safari v1

    Also, anyone know if there is a way to STOP it from switching tabs when the page in another tab auto reloads? It's annoying as hell to have the thing switch in the middle of doing something (like typing this post for instance :mad:) Plus, anyone else beside me absolutely despises having the...
  18. B

    Safari v1

    There also appears to be some funny page caching issues (can't provide link since it's an internal site). Been working fine on Mozilla (Win and Mac). Pity, since this is an app we use ALL the time and will force me back to Mozilla if it can't be resolved.
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    Safari v1

    Set your "standard font" in prefs to be one point size larger (try two if one doesn't work). I had the same thing and setting it one larger did the trick (from Lucida Grande 12 to Lucida Grande 13). Anything under 13 and the fonts on this forum looked like crap. Unfortunate for us laptop...
  20. B

    the doubt ...

    You may "think" it's working well, but if you're getting a sigsegv then there is something going on that is most definitely bad, and you're just lucking out and everything just "happens" to work ok, for now. Have you isolated exactly when you get the sigsegv? Is it after your "main" returns...