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  1. J

    getting an unsupported cdrw to work w/ 10.1 burning

    Yeah, as far as I know that was just with OS 9, but maybe there's more that I don't know. I didn't realize it, but Toast PR2 for 10.1 is out! It also looked like it might burn images, we'll see. Unfortunately, it doesn't support my drive =(
  2. J

    getting an unsupported cdrw to work w/ 10.1 burning

    Yeah, i would, but from what i recall it doesn't support cd images yet. Almost all I burn are iso's and imgs. Justin
  3. J

    getting an unsupported cdrw to work w/ 10.1 burning

    you'd think that there'd be an easy way to hack one of the current drivers to get similiar models working, being that this is BSD!
  4. J

    getting an unsupported cdrw to work w/ 10.1 burning

    Yes, this is my question. I have a yamaha 4260 scsi cdrw that I would looove to get working under OS X (I'm running 5G48 right now). So far it isn't supported, and I'm afraid Apple isn't gonna do much to support old SCSI devices (they'd better). So anybody have any ideas on how to modify a...
  5. J

    Full-Screen Mode for Macintosh Internet Explorer

    cool, i signed and sent that message to MS. I've always missed that feature on my mac. Justin
  6. J

    Recompuling linux apps

    Someone has posted a list of some ported apps. Everyone should email him w/ stuff that you've gotten to compile. Justin
  7. J

    Text on Startup

    Yeah I did. Apparantly the boot params are different for some different machines. I found an easy way to do it though. Boot into OS 9 and open up the system disk app. Option-double-click on the X volume and then you can edit the parameters from there. Justin
  8. J

    Recompuling linux apps

    I've compiled several apps, w/ no probs. I recently tried to install the glib and gtk libraries, but no luck :(. I'd looove to get GAIM working but I won't even bother to try :). I also tried Xfree86. It started to launch, but quit a few seconds after video appeared. Here's a list of the apps...
  9. J

    always boot in verbose

    I figured out a new way to do it. Boot into OS 9, and open up the system disk app. Option-double-click on the OS X partition, and add the -v there. Justin
  10. J

    for you linux/bsd junkies out there....

    What's the best way to grep the results of a find? I'm assuming you pipe the results into grep, but I don't know how to do that :) For instance, I want to grep "test" RESULTSOFFIND where RESULTSOFFIND is find / -name * -print Any suggestions? =) Justin
  11. J

    always boot in verbose

    Anybody know how to set up OS X to always boot in verbose, w/o having to hit "v" at startup? Someone suggested sudo nvram boot-args="-v" but I'm getting an error as I do that. Any other ways? Justin
  12. J

    Text on Startup

    Well, after a reboot, and seeing that it didn't work, I decided to try again. This time, i didn't get that funny message. I got this instead: [localhost:/] root# nvram boot-args="-v" nvram: Error (-1) setting variable - 'boot-args' Any ideas? I tried entering in nvram boot-args="" and...
  13. J

    Text on Startup

    This is what I got: We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. Password: justin is not in the sudoers file. This incident...
  14. J

    impenetrable OSX?

    haven't read it yet, but here's a link to building a firewall under OSX: Justin