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  1. Decado

    Exiting applications does not quit them

    this is one of the fundamental differences between windows and mac. advantages: 1) you wont quit safari etc by accident when you just want to close some windows. 2) an application with all windows closed usually uses none or very very little of the processor, but opens instantly. (it's like...
  2. Decado

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    but just like sex; in a good way! ::love::
  3. Decado

    Sir Bill Gates??

    aha! bor 4 minuter från linnégatan sedan tre år! Övre Matrosgatan. uppe på berget just där slottskogen börjar. Swedish people have to learn other languages (unless we go to Suomi or Norway). i often think about what it would be like to speak your native language on a board like this and have to...
  4. Decado

    Sir Bill Gates??

    i'm impressed!
  5. Decado

    Sir Bill Gates??

    there is something rotten in the state of... britain.
  6. Decado

    Omg Powerbook!

    oh, my soulmate wannabe ;) i have 10.3.8 just have been to lazy to upgrade my sign... will do it in a jiffy there. done. when i get tiger my OS sign will constantly say "10.4" and nothing more. to much trouble.
  7. Decado

    Omg Powerbook!

    from a clamshell to a powerbook :) i have a friend who has tortured himself for several years waiting for the powerbook G5 cuz he want the ultimate experience of moving from a Tangerine Clamshell to a G5. :) you did the right thing.
  8. Decado

    Would you say Tiger is recommended for the average Home user?

    speaking about that; i know that my girlfriend, who studies bio-medicine, is very interested in the bundled "Graphulator" or whatever they are calling it. She uses a lot of colourful swear words describing her "analog/mechanic" texas instrument calculator (which, in its defense, is getting...
  9. Decado

    Are most mac users INTJs?

    Decado is an INTJ Introverted 67% Intuitive 25% Thinking 38% Judging 44%
  10. Decado

    Free photo software??

    or iPhoto > Email
  11. Decado

    Comparing Dubya to Steve Jobs? Can you say blasphemy?

    shouldn't it be "in God some trust" ;)
  12. Decado

    Would you say Tiger is recommended for the average Home user?

    that did not make sense to me. :) seriously, what do you mean?
  13. Decado

    Comparing Dubya to Steve Jobs? Can you say blasphemy?

    "Dr. Hans Blix, Chief UN Weapons Inspector Addressing the UN Security Council, January 27, 2003" Hans Blix is such a cool name :) first "Hans" that is like a genitive form of "Han" as in Han Solo. and then "Blix" which is a dialectical short form of "Blixt" which means Lightening. so...
  14. Decado

    Would you say Tiger is recommended for the average Home user?

    i will upgrade the minute it is released (depending on WHEN it is released, i will be at archeological excavations in italy for ten weeks starting in April). i'll do it cuz i think that it is the funniest part of having a computer; installing the latest OS! (does that make me a nerd?). but what...
  15. Decado

    Comparing Dubya to Steve Jobs? Can you say blasphemy?

    ok. enough with the religion-talk. Since i'm among friends here i can afford being stupid and ask right out: Why is there only two political parties in USA? Or are there more? most european countries got a plethora of parties that then have to build a government together. it takes the focus away...
  16. Decado

    Microphone jack on 17" 1.5Ghz Powerbook

    i presume you have been to System Preferences and changed the audio input to Line-in?
  17. Decado

    Cloned from Powerbook to Dual 2.5 G5 - now what ??

    Since the G5 got alot of mumbojumbo steering the fans, 64 bit stuff etc, i would also go for the clean install. do that, and then copy just the preferences folder from the powerbook.