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  1. Perseus

    CSS navigation not working in IE for Mac

    Yeah, I have a dark background. The underline part of hover never works, and they don't act as links, they act as flat text. I guess I was using only one li, I had other stuff in there but got rid of it.
  2. Perseus

    CSS navigation not working in IE for Mac

    Here is my CSS: a:link { font-family: Verdana, serif; color: white; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { font-family: Verdana, serif; color: white; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { font-family: Verdana, serif; color: white; text-decoration: underline; }...
  3. Perseus

    Volume stuck at max, why?

    It is a Custom G4 from the year 2000, dual 500 MHZ, 30 gig, 328 ram, etc etc, running 10.2.8.
  4. Perseus

    Volume stuck at max, why?

    Yeah, the other keys work fine... :confused:
  5. Perseus

    Volume stuck at max, why?

    Yes, I am using a G4 Mac keyboard, with volume control buttons. When I press the volume up or down keys, the graphic appears, showing me that the volume is allegedly going up and down, however the volume remains the same.
  6. Perseus

    Volume stuck at max, why?

    Whenever I use my keyboard to adjust volume, the volume stays at the highest level. When I decrease it a few steps, the volume stays the same. How do I fix this?
  7. Perseus

    How do I set up a text box that will send info to my email?

    Simbalala, that seems like a good one, however I don't understand how to integrate it into an allready existing page. The working example is on a seperate page on its own, I need it to be on a page I have allready made code for. Can I reference/call it like a css file? Or do I just copy and...
  8. Perseus

    How do I set up a text box that will send info to my email?

    I downloaded that script and began reading the READ ME, and it would have best been written in Gibberish. I have absolutely no idea what this guy is talking about. It seems like he is talking about which email addresses to allow, I am looking for text entered on a website to be sent to ME. I...
  9. Perseus

    How do I set up a text box that will send info to my email?

    Since action:mailto is old and tacky, and since I don't know much about scripting, can anyone provide me with a tutorial or URL to ONE THAT WORKS? :D I just need people to enter some text, hit submit, and have that info send to my email address. Thanks!!
  10. Perseus

    Does anyone else hate the hype on the iTunes Phone?

    I haven't felt much hype, and I also think that this is nothing really special. If you can have a camera on your phone, why not songs? It's a simple idea.
  11. Perseus

    How've Mac's changed your life?

    My life changed with my first Macintosh experience (a Mac LC and LC II) when I was introduced to Kid Pix at the age of 7 :D Oh, those were the days! :)
  12. Perseus

    Simcity 4

    I still play SimCity (original) and SimCity 2000...I am proud of my city with 9,345,000 people! :D
  13. Perseus

    I just got powerbook G4 with superdrive. NEED GAME HELP?

    Warcraft 3 would run beautifully. UT should work fine too, I am assuming you have a new Powerbook. How much video memory do you have on your machine?
  14. Perseus

    Really Xtremely Confused

    If you are interested in mac games, go to or check up on the latest mac game news at :)
  15. Perseus

    Holy molies! Matrix ASCII art

    Yeah, I still think the Star Wars one will always be a classic! Remember that one?
  16. Perseus

    Holy molies! Matrix ASCII art

    OOOh ok. Didn't mean to pose any threat. I have been on this site long enough so I wouldn't post some link with a virus or anything.
  17. Perseus

    Holy molies! Matrix ASCII art

    I don't understand, what is making this ASCII thing potentially dangerous?
  18. Perseus

    Holy molies! Matrix ASCII art

    Am I the only one who hasn't seen this? WOW!!!
  19. Perseus

    Sick of sites that don't support Macs

    iCab? Woah! I test my sites in that browser just for kicks, it supports HTML pretty well, but nothing else! A fantasy I have: the Universal Broswer. Yay!
  20. Perseus

    How do I get an <iframe> and its content to resize along with browser window?

    My bad! :confused: Did not even notice that tiny detail! One minute apart...crazyness!