Yeah, I have a dark background. The underline part of hover never works, and they don't act as links, they act as flat text. I guess I was using only one li, I had other stuff in there but got rid of it.
Yes, I am using a G4 Mac keyboard, with volume control buttons. When I press the volume up or down keys, the graphic appears, showing me that the volume is allegedly going up and down, however the volume remains the same.
Whenever I use my keyboard to adjust volume, the volume stays at the highest level. When I decrease it a few steps, the volume stays the same. How do I fix this?
Simbalala, that seems like a good one, however I don't understand how to integrate it into an allready existing page. The working example is on a seperate page on its own, I need it to be on a page I have allready made code for. Can I reference/call it like a css file? Or do I just copy and...
I downloaded that script and began reading the READ ME, and it would have best been written in Gibberish. I have absolutely no idea what this guy is talking about. It seems like he is talking about which email addresses to allow, I am looking for text entered on a website to be sent to ME. I...
Since action:mailto is old and tacky, and since I don't know much about scripting, can anyone provide me with a tutorial or URL to ONE THAT WORKS? :D I just need people to enter some text, hit submit, and have that info send to my email address. Thanks!!
I haven't felt much hype, and I also think that this is nothing really special. If you can have a camera on your phone, why not songs? It's a simple idea.
My life changed with my first Macintosh experience (a Mac LC and LC II) when I was introduced to Kid Pix at the age of 7 :D Oh, those were the days! :)
iCab? Woah! I test my sites in that browser just for kicks, it supports HTML pretty well, but nothing else!
A fantasy I have: the Universal Broswer. Yay!