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  1. Javintosh

    Anybody know anything about X10 on the Mac?

    I looked into this some time ago (before my old Mac got setup as a Linux server). I don't know about OSX compatibility, but this is a great place to start:
  2. Javintosh

    Can I use my tiBook as a telephone?

    I just saw news in about megaphone coming out for OSX. I don't know much about it, but you might want to start by searching in maccentral and then
  3. Javintosh

    IBM gives vision for future Macs

    that's funny, I though that the Intel's 64-bit chip, the Itanic, would run at a lower Mhz and be faster....
  4. Javintosh

    The Reach of Rendezvous

    rendevous only works in the local subnet. if you have to go through the router (see TCP/IP prefs under Network) to connect to other people then you won't be able to see them.
  5. Javintosh

    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    that icon only says import when you have an audio CD in the drive... select a playlist from the left side. the icon should now say Burn. if you hit it, iTunes should prompt you to put a CD into the computer.
  6. Javintosh

    How Many Calanders Do You Have?

    Right now I have US and Canadian holidays (I'm near the border), mac events, movies, astronomy and moon phases, I have a work and a home calendar. The home and work calendars are mapped to unfiled now (until iSync can sync them to separate calendars from the palm). I subscribed to the other...
  7. Javintosh

    Stupid iCal

    Actually, you can puclish your iCal calendars to .Mac I think that the biggest problem iCal has is that it closes when you hit the close window button. There is no reason for this. if iCal ran windowless, I think people would be less bothered with leaving it open all the time. Also, when...
  8. Javintosh

    UDF, Sony, and Mac OS X

    I looked for still camera's with FW built-in. There are some, but they are much too high end for me (I'm in the market now looking at the $500-$800 category). Unfortunately, I have not seen any FW readers for other media formats.
  9. Javintosh

    UDF, Sony, and Mac OS X

    As much as I hate to do this (because I hate it when people do it to me)... You should talk him into getting a camera that uses some other removable media format. Those disks are *expensive*. You can most likely get a camera with the same specs in a smaller form factor and save a few bucks...
  10. Javintosh

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    10.2.1 has been extremely stable for me. Have you tried booting into single user mode and running fsck -y? To boot into single user mode, hold cnd-s while booting, run fsck -y over and over until you do not get a message stating that the file system was modified.
  11. Javintosh

    I found an Easter Egg in 10.2!

    Just a suggestion: how about setting you IP address to match the IP in the screen shot and then try the same steps he tried?
  12. Javintosh

    X.2 UI/features...

    The iTunes shortcuts are not global! They will only work if iTunes is in the foreground. I got Keboard Maestro specifically to control itunes via the keyboard while using another application in the foreground.
  13. Javintosh

    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    I finally got a chance to try that at work again. It's working again... Thinking back, I think that I tried to use the finder under 10.2 before I knew about the problem with 10.2 and burning windows CD. After this I tried a variety of other ways to burn the CD via the Disk Copy Utility. I had...
  14. Javintosh

    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    audio cds are burned from within iTunes. You must create a new playlist and organize the songs you want into that playlist. then burn the playlist to CD (the browse button t=on the top right corner will switch to a burn button when you are in a playlist).
  15. Javintosh

    X.2 UI/features...

    yeah, but that doesn't hide finder windows....
  16. Javintosh

    10.2.2 seeded!

    Other people have stated that in order to avoid the branding problems with Mac OS X 11.x Apple has shifted the decimal numbers in upgrades. MacOS X 10.1.x updates (are equivalent to previous .x updates). .1 updates are now considered to be major updates (like 8.6 -> 9.0). Considering what...
  17. Javintosh

    gaming without the disc

    You can make a disk image from the device. Mount this image when you want to play. I had the same problem with the american heritage dictionary. The pronunciation sould would only work when the CD was in the tray. However, this made to much noise. Making a disk image worked for me.
  18. Javintosh

    X.2 UI/features...

    I should explain that these shortcuts work when iTunes is in the background. I usually have BBEdit open and use the F1-F4 keys to control iTunes as I work.
  19. Javintosh

    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    The files I needed to burn have the proper extensions in them. if other people are not having trouble, then it must be something in the NT setup (which is company-wide). It seems to be working for everyone. I have to look into it a littel more.
  20. Javintosh

    X.2 UI/features...

    1. When the iTunes window is minimized, you can click the play/pause, FF and RW buttons without switching from your current app. I usually tuck itunes into a corner... or at least I did until I downloaded keyboard maestro. Now I have 4 applescripts to control itunes. these are mapped to the...