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  1. chemistry_geek

    OS X Find is really poor

    I would agree that Apple's 'Find' utility in the Finder is inadequate sometimes and certainly not fast. So, I found a nice little program called Locator on versiontracker: that uses the...
  2. chemistry_geek

    Microsoft Word doc. grows significantly in size with small text changes.

    OK, I think I found the main reason the thesis grew so quickly in file size (25MB --> 50+MB). I checked my preferences and "allow fast saves" was unchecked and "track changes" also was not activated. The increase in file size is attributed to the incorporation of several Micro$oft Excel charts...
  3. chemistry_geek

    Help this switcher please.

    The BEST text editor I have ever used was BBEdite Lite 6.1 for Mac OS X, but Bare Bones Software killed that off/renamed it Text Wrangler 2.0. IT IS FREE AS IN BEER: This is much more powerful than BBEdit Lite used to be. Play with it for a while and...
  4. chemistry_geek

    Microsoft Word doc. grows significantly in size with small text changes.

    Word has the ability to do all THAT without special add-on programs like "Endnote"? If you can spare some time and it's relatively easy to do, could you share how to generate the table of contents and do all the end notes? I've found adjusting the end notes to be a real inconvenience, every...
  5. chemistry_geek

    Microsoft Word doc. grows significantly in size with small text changes.

    Thank you everyone for your suugestions. I'll check the preferences in Word when I get home; right now I'm at work. After reading your responses I have another question. If 'allow fast saves' is turned on and I turn it off and re-save the document, how do reduce the size of the document to...