So I finally put my $ where my mouth is and made my last tech purchase with my heart and now i've got a 14" iBook G4 (i carry it with me everywhere!)
So far I've got my own firefox loaded on here.
But not much past that... I saw on macosxhints a script for checking your battery and set that up as a bash script to run from the script menu writing the output to a txt file on the desktop with the date in the filename.
The next thing I'd like to do is get a good media player similar to the media player classic that's being develped on sourceforge.
(side question about quicktime: is there a way to save clips that are embedded in pages? the context menu option has been greyed out)
So besides recommending media players what other things do I not know about this fabulous piece of modern technology????
Also: are there any other boards worth signing up for? (i've also signed up for macnn.com today)
And to make this post a bit longer I'll add a little anecdote:
PS: I'm also looking for a text editing app (was fond of UltraEdit on Win and please don't recommend CLI editors unless you are willing to come over here and personally teach me how to use VIM or emacs).
Also: Can anyone suggest some lines of 'attack'/discussion with my windows centric friends who are totally cool with *nix, but just can't seem to get away from windows becuase that's all they know (and they know a lot of it!)
So i'm sure i'll have more questions, but just let me thank y'all in advance for any and all help just in case I forget later.
So far I've got my own firefox loaded on here.
But not much past that... I saw on macosxhints a script for checking your battery and set that up as a bash script to run from the script menu writing the output to a txt file on the desktop with the date in the filename.
The next thing I'd like to do is get a good media player similar to the media player classic that's being develped on sourceforge.
(side question about quicktime: is there a way to save clips that are embedded in pages? the context menu option has been greyed out)
So besides recommending media players what other things do I not know about this fabulous piece of modern technology????
Also: are there any other boards worth signing up for? (i've also signed up for macnn.com today)
And to make this post a bit longer I'll add a little anecdote:
So... I've made the switch, now what?My biggest concern about making the switch was mouse related. So I did some reading up on how macosx handles the multibuttoned mice. Apparently there's a lot of info out there saying don't worry all will be okay when u plug in that 'ibm compatable' mouse into a mac. However it wasn't all good reviews and I was anxious to plug in my wireless usb scroller mouse. (you see i've become addicted to opening/closing links/tabs with my middleclick/rollerbutton) Well to make a long story a little shorter I plugged the little bugger in and it worked just as quick as if it had come with the laptop from apple. The middle click did not work (probably a blessing in disguise) because of a bug in firefox, so I got a recent build (from trunk i believe) and was off and running. I wonder how many other mac bugs had been fixed. (so if you're annoyed by some bug in firefox check up with a recent build ... i'm still amazed at how easy it is)
PS: I'm also looking for a text editing app (was fond of UltraEdit on Win and please don't recommend CLI editors unless you are willing to come over here and personally teach me how to use VIM or emacs).
Also: Can anyone suggest some lines of 'attack'/discussion with my windows centric friends who are totally cool with *nix, but just can't seem to get away from windows becuase that's all they know (and they know a lot of it!)
So i'm sure i'll have more questions, but just let me thank y'all in advance for any and all help just in case I forget later.