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  1. ksuther word association!

  2. ksuther one thinks they have a good printer for OS X?

    doofy10: The carbonized EPSON StatusMonitor is hiding from you. You can find it at /Library/Printers/EPSON/Utilities/Epson Printer Utility. Probably one of the best hidden secrets of OS X :) As for printers, my Epson 740i works well, except for the really nasty grating sound it makes when I...
  3. ksuther

    Mac OS X 10.1.5 Released!

    Are we allowed to beat you if 10.1.5 isn't here today, simX? :D
  4. ksuther

    Office v.X Service Pack 1 Released!

    Yes, but did you have dl links? My thread *must* be better :)
  5. ksuther

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Is that for xoot? :)
  6. ksuther

    Office v.X Service Pack 1 Released!

    Yay for Microsoft? :confused: MSN Messanger and Office have been updated, with tons of new features. Maybe 10.1.5 soon? :) Office Updater: MSN Messanger 3.0...
  7. ksuther word association!

    "Everything is easier on a Mac"
  8. ksuther

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    You guys seen Neo for OS X? It's a kazaa shadow client, pretty cool stuff... 1 final to do today...then 1 more, then I'm done!
  9. ksuther word association!

    macaroni and cheese.
  10. ksuther word association!

  11. ksuther

    Good News My MiddleFinger On My Left Hand Is Completely Ill

    Has Hervé finally gone over the deep end? I think so.
  12. ksuther

    How To Say This

    I just scrolled down some more, maybe this has something to do with it? :)
  13. ksuther

    How To Say This

    Well, lets hope he did well, whatever it was. ;)
  14. ksuther

    The Apple Campus in Cupertino...

    Last time I was there, Steve hadn't taken over Apple again, and it was about 3 months before he did. They still had the icon garden, and you could walk into the lobby and around a bit, that's about it. They had a really good merchandise store too that I had my mom blow all kinds of money in, but...
  15. ksuther

    Where do you find 666?

    You can make the dock icons pulse. Only when opening though. Go to the Dock preference pane and uncheck animate opening applications. Pretty spiffy eh? :)
  16. ksuther

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I vote for a starcraft game :)
  17. ksuther word association!

    Intel (Intel Bunnies)
  18. ksuther

    ADC developers

    The only problem with a public beta is that all the people who don't know what they are doing will rush out and install it, and when their computers start fuming out the joints, Apple will get a bad rap for releasing bad software. Leave the beta testing to the beta testers ;)
  19. ksuther

    ibook 700 vs 600

    On my TiBook 667 playing a pretty heavy UT mod, TacOps with 512 megs of RAM the with 16 meg Radeon depending on the map I get a steady 25-40 frames a second with medium detail and dynamic lighting. The only problem is when there is a lot of gunfire the game slows down to a snails pace, but that...
  20. ksuther word association!

    Frog (seems we have been going full circle a lot :))