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  1. P

    Using NetInfo like a hosts file

    Actually, this is kind of a silly way to use NetInfo. You'd be better served with something like JunkBusters from Have it running, like I do, in as a daemon and have your browser set to use it as a proxy and you can filter out any advertisment or such from websites.
  2. P

    Goofy Dock "Bug"

    at one pixel below the border the dock is expanded. one pixel above the border te dock is shrunk. exactly on the border it's still expanded. Never shrrinks for me. Maybe it's my trackpad is more precise than a mouse?
  3. P

    HOWTO - swap partition for OS X

    Browsing the web has proven to be partially fruitless in terms of whether someone has figured out a swapon equiv. But, there is a suggest at: Which is better than the default setup of OSX. The article shows how to move your...
  4. P

    HOWTO - swap partition for OS X

    I'm determined to make this work. As per Apple states: This looks like a function or procedure to be called by a program, and not a program itself...
  5. P

    killing all animation

    For Unix with a usable GUI. As nice as GNOME or KDE may be under Linux or CDE on Solaris, they really do suck from a user interface standpoint. Apple's GUI is still the slickest. Unfortunately, Apple has gotten into the habit of dictating what people want. "They want cartoons They want big...
  6. P

    How do I uninstall .pkg files?

    In OSX Server, if you went to /System/Library/Receipts there was a .pkg file that corresponded to the .pkgs you installed. Double-clicking these files, otherwise known as receipts, the would open and prompt to remove the package. Under OSX Final, the opens and tries...
  7. P

    sudo hole

    SUDO by default doesn't ask for a root password but for the user's password. Think about it. SUDO is so that a non-root person can do specified root things. If you wanted them to know the root password then you wouldn't use SUDO. the password is the user's password so that if someone comes...
  8. P

    NetInfo Info

    If you're curious about NetInfo, I've been looking for some resources and have found at least one awesome one, though it's highly disorganized. Go to and search for NetInfo (or any NeXT technology that you have a question about). Please...
  9. P

    Using NetInfo like a hosts file

    NetInfo was a NeXT thing. For more detailed info (though still not a nice book or anything) go to and search for NetInfo. Lots o docs by Apple!!
  10. P

    Silly Dock Trick

    Server apps don't make it server quality. LinuxPPC, NetBSD, etc beats the pants off OSX in terms of speed and performance. OSX is opitmized for desktop usage, not network I/O and the likes. Yes, it's a very good OS and does serving functions very well, but it's not suited to be a server, nor...
  11. P

    Silly Dock Trick

    As silly as it is . .. WHEEEE hehe
  12. P

    Using NetInfo like a hosts file

    There already is a good netinfo gui. It comes with OSX in the Applications/Utilities folder and it's called Netinfo Manager. Shows the whole structure and does everything with a click of the button. Only thing it doesn't have is a decent help file with info on netinfo.
  13. P

    Using NetInfo like a hosts file

    I've been searching the net now since installing OSX Final b/c for a way to use my hosts file in my /etc folder like I do under Linux for developing websites (i.e. in the hosts file I create "" and then use apache and http headers so that in a browser returns a...