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  1. H

    What Changed You???

    Been a mac user for my whole life (almost) I grew up on a Power mac somthing or rather and then moved on to a G3powermac beige, kept it till it died and then got a windows something or rather(hated IT!) then i got my current computer, a Imac G5(first gen) now i am getting a Mac book pro :D :D
  2. H

    buying an imac: g5 or intel?

    mac mini is kinda ummm crappy compard to the rest
  3. H

    buying an imac: g5 or intel?

    Go, Intel. the mac book pros are better then my first gen imac G5! it is and will be an important time for macintosh, and i missed the OS9 to OSX thing. I sure as hell dont want to miss this one. It is kida a no brainer. but it is your money.
  4. H

    shuffle battery.

    i have a 1BG shuffle(i love the damn thing :D) but, when the battery dies for good, can i get the battery replaced, or will i just have a really expensive flash drive?
  5. H

    FPS multiplayer game

    heh :D
  6. H

    WANTED: Used Laptop

    sorry, only one apple nad it is the powerbook, and im keeping it.
  7. H

    WANTED: Used Laptop

    im getting a dell XPS(keeping) a powerbook(keeping) and a bunch of other random lappys, but the kids in my computer programming class take priority. if there is anythign left i will let you know.
  8. H

    FPS multiplayer game

    americas army is a good one.
  9. H

    OSX on xbox

    ok, i will give it a try. thank you for your help.
  10. H

    OSX on xbox

    bah, i jsut want my xbox to be somthign different...
  11. H

    OSX on xbox

    i heard of a way you can run OSX on xbox(not 360), what would i need to do, and will i still beable to play xbox games. and will i be able to use it just liek i would use mac
  12. H

    Halo's really some pain

    yeah, i have a gig and a quarter of ram and it is still slow....
  13. H


    holy crap! i used to have an apple II those were the good times...:)
  14. H


    another thing i feel like bitching about it Battlefront II! why the hell dont we have it dammit!
  15. H


    well, screw Valve.... ive got halo and AA im happy... what i should be bitching about is F.E.A.R now that game is nice!
  16. H


    beating the dead horse again, are we?
  17. H

    WANTED: Used Laptop

    well, update: go a buch of free laptops from my grandfather, but thank you anyway. btw, im using ubuntu. the reason i want an old lappy is i want one for school, and i dont want to lay down a grand for an ibook
  18. H

    WANTED: Used Laptop

    i will take either mac or windows. preferabily windows so i can put linux on it.
  19. H

    WANTED: Used Laptop

    (perferbably wiped) the laptop MUST atleast fit these specs for me to consider 1.0GHz 20GB hd 256 RAM The reason I am asking is I would like to have a laptop, but I hate Windows, I Dont want to shell out a cool grand for an Apple, so i figured Linux would be good, so i tried it and...
  20. H

    Teamspeak coming to OS X (sort of)!

    it is a good day for Mac Users.