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  1. T

    Rip those DVDs

    the DMCA only applies to USA -- so if you're in other parts of the world this may well be perfectly legal. There are 2 ways to rip a DVD, shrink it (ie. backing up a commercial DVD to a DVD-R, with all menus, extras etc in tact), or rip video files (eg to (MP4, AVI, H.264 etc) 1) shrinking...
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    Next MacWorld Agenda

    The worst is people who think Mac is an acronym and say things like "I love my new MAC". really? do you? I hope you're talking about your MAC address because otherwise you're just annoying me. The other one is people who hyphenate Apple product names (ie. i-pod, i-mac)
  3. T

    Apple admits to ‘misleading’ Leopard firewall settings

    The biggest security flaw of all is simply the fact that it is not on by default. If there is one thing they should have learned from Windows, it's that the firewall should be on by default. btw, the article cited is from by Ryan Naraine
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    Leopard is scaring

    When you installed Leopard, did you do an upgrade install, archive and install, or clean install? I know some have been reporting issues when they perform an upgrade and install in leopard -- generally an archive and install or clean install is recommended. The crashing apps could be bad RAM...
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    Time Machine not detecting any changes

    Hmm, seems to be working now all of a sudden. There were still a few folders, however, that remained not backed up. I managed to get TM to "see them" by going in and modifying 1 of the files, then saving over it to update the 'last modified' date. After I did that, TM saw it and backed up the...
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    Time Machine not detecting any changes

    I have Time Machine setup to backup my home directory. I first set it going last night and all worked fine (backed up ~30GB of stuff). Since then, however, it ticks down every hour, but when it gets there it does nothing. 13 hours later the "lastest backup" still reads yesterday evening, even...
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    Dual display issues with Leopard version of Boot Camp

    THanks Scott. Unfortuantely I did a clean install when I got Leopard, so I have nothing to revert back to. You did, however, give me an idea, and I have fixed the problem. I happened to still have the driver disc I created using the first or second beta version of Boot Camp some months ago...
  8. T

    Dual display issues with Leopard version of Boot Camp

    I have a Dell 24" monitor hooked up to my MBP. When I boot into Windows I have problems with this setup. I can extend the desktop OK, but, but the 24" screen can be set only as the secondary monitor. Obviously, when playing games or full screen video this doesn't work, as they only on the...
  9. T

    Leopard in New Macs starting when ?

    so long as you buy from the apple online store, you will recieve leopard, in one way or another (pre-insalled or drop-in). Where you get into trouble is buying from the physical stores. I would avoid resellers -- I know resellers over here in Australia can take anywhere from 2 weeks (like Next...
  10. T

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    hey you're right! I'd forgotten about that. I think this is why Apple are so secretive -- there were probably a number of features stripped from Tiger at the last minute, but we'll never know because they didn't pre-announce Tiger features so thoroughly.
  11. T

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    why is it always the printers and scanners that have compatibility issues whenever a new os (Mac, Windows or Linux) is released? It's so frustrating -- is it a lack of standards, or are printers/scanners somehow more complicated than other devices?
  12. T

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    Cool little feature: When you select a file, then hit Return to highlight the filename, the Finder automatically selects *only* the filename and not the extension. that's very handy.
  13. T

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    what don't you like about it? So far it's no more or less useful than the previous dock IMO. I haven't used the stacks much, so I may change my mind! What bugs me is the two-tone colours in the finder. THe blue rows are a little too dark, which is distracting. But that is minor, overall I am...
  14. T

    10.5 First impressions - post yours

    @fryke wow, that's strange -- especially the notes synching. Why would they have done this? Surely it can't be that complicated that it had to be pulled so they could work on it. so I have finally had a chance to install Leopard (3AM sat morning atm). I've only managed to have a 30minute play...
  15. T

    Preorder Leopard From Apple Store

    got mine 7 hours ago :P unfortunately, all I had time to do was backup my data, ready for reformatting tonight after work. I love the box art, beautiful!
  16. T

    Preorder Leopard From Apple Store

    will it install on an 800Mhz machine? I figured the installer would check your system specs and prevent you from continuing if you did not meet the requirements. I've never tried installing an os that did not meet the specs before though, so i'm probably wrong. My copy should be arriving in a...
  17. T

    What to do with my ExpressCard slot...

    I've had my MBP for years, and it occurs to me I have never used the ExpressCard slot. Seeing as this is one of the biggest differentiators from the MacBook, it seems a shame to waste it. Anyone have any product recommendations?
  18. T

    What do you wish Leopard would have?

    great! thanks for that. @ fryke I agree, very padded. But even 30 significant features would be good. THe features worth it for me are: - iChat Screen Sharing; no need to drive up to my parents' house every other day to fix something. - spaces - the new VoiceOver; I"m dyslexic and use...
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    Prediction: Zune will surpass iPod within 2 years.

    I agree version 1 was very poorly executed, and the universal deal alone will prevent me from buying one, but have you seen the new interface? it's greatly improved, with podcast support, and the iTunes equivalent software has been re-written from the ground up. I think as Mac users it's easy...
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    Prediction: Zune will surpass iPod within 2 years.

    No, I'm not trolling, I am serious. People give the Zune a hard time, but I have to say, I am getting this weird feeling that it is going to be very successful long term. Maybe it's just the places I am hanging out both on and offline, but I feel like Apple and the iPod's sheen is starting to...