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  1. T

    8-Core MacPro released

    jesus. imagine the possibilities. I could reply the crap out of my emails, and spell check at an alarming speed ;) seriously, though, that is very cool and makes the Mac Pro amazingly good value. Surprised by the lack of fanfare, though. I notice it's only the USA & canada stores at the...
  2. T

    (Music) consumers' wishes are finally heard

    yes I agree. I think a lot of it hinges on how EMI songs are received. If we see a record number of tracks sold over the next 6-12 months because of this announcement, I'm sure it won't be long for record, tv, and movie companies to jump on the band wagon.
  3. T

    (Music) consumers' wishes are finally heard

    Do people think this will happen with TV and movies too anytime soon?
  4. T

    (Music) consumers' wishes are finally heard

    the beatles reference during the macworld keynote address indicates they are most certainly coming to the store soon IMO. very good news anyway, though i'm a little disappointed the 128kbps arent also DRM free, as $1.30 US will be over $2 AU after conversion + mystery australia tax -- a bit...
  5. T

    2 simple things that I wanted...

    Firefox is good but it doesn't pass the bounce test. A web browser is not a very complicated app, and should not take more than 3-4 bounces to launch on a MacBook Pro. safari can do it in 1 or 2, firefox takes 6-10. I love how light weight safari is, I only use firefox for the web developer...
  6. T

    Can I expect a new Mac product soon?

    holy cow, you're already replacing your MBP? so...where do you work? they hiring? ;)
  7. T

    Adobe Creative Suite 3

    boy, that is awfully complicated. makes Vista's version system seem far less convoluted by comparison! What is this "Photoshop Extended"? I really don't like tiered systems. EDIT: thanks for posting this by the way bbloke
  8. T

    ScreenDump Fileformat.

    Have you tried TinkerTool? Once you install it, select the 'general' tab there is a section in the middle that allows you to change toe screenshot format. However, I'm not sure if it will be compatible with Panther.
  9. T

    Strange Safari/MySpace Error

    sounds like a poorly coded page...which is not uncommon for a MySpace page! ;) I presume this error message appeared in the browser as a webpage, and not in a normal Mac error message box with an OK button? I ask because if the error was inside an error dialog box it is morelikely to be a...
  10. T, ichat and date & time pane hang on load

    I believe I have narrowed down what the problem is. The Date & Time appears to be the source of the issues. Whenever OS X tries to get the current date from wherever it gets it, that is what causes it to hang. I noticed that when I hit reply in it would hang for a good minute before...
  11. T

    Alternatives to iTunes

    25,000! yikes, that's impressive! I'm afraid unless you're willing to buy more RAM or go back to OS9, your apps are going to be sluggish. It's like shooting yourself in the foot and complaining when it hurts to walk. You can change to a more comfortable shoe, but the source of the problem is...
  12. T, ichat and date & time pane hang on load

    When I load iChat or, they load as fast as normal, but the windows are not usable for a few minutes (MINUTES!) -- I just get the beachball until it's good and ready. Also my date & time preference pane also takes a long time, though not always as long as mail and ichat, so I'm not sure...