Search results

  1. G

    New 'Poof' for the Dock

    Nice poof - visual and yet not so cartoony! -rob.
  2. G

    New 'Poof' for the Dock

    There's a site out there with other alternate poofs AND docks, and instructions for both -- I think they take submissions, too, so you could send yours in: -rob.
  3. G

    Does sleep work with OSX?

    Works great in 4K73 on a desktop Mac. Not sure why it wouldn't work in the final. Not sure about portables, as I don't have one to test. -rob.
  4. G

    Partition is gone

    Go to Alsoft's website ( and download the utility they have their called "Fix Invisible"or somesuch. It's a fairly common bug in the PB... I also had luck just by lauching Disk First Aid and asking it to scan the disk; when I quit, it was visible again. Odd, but there was no...
  5. G

    IE 5.5 kills OS X

    jackd - interesting ... i wonder if apple leaked a bad 4K78 to the hotline sites, and that's what this guy got his hands on? ;-) either way, we'll find out in about 11 days! -rob.
  6. G

    IE 5.5 kills OS X

    Well, before the AppleInsider boards went down today, someone posted what I would consider a fairly definitive shot that proves 4K78 is not the GM or even the last FC build. On the sharing prefs panel, there are four text strings which clearly don't belong: CAPTION_AFP_IS_OFF...
  7. G

    "New" things in Ten Ten

    From build 4K73... >>But it now behaves like Mac OS 9 in that when you click on something it spawns a second window<< If you've got the "shelf" displayed, a double-click opens the folder in the same window. If you hide the "shelf," then you get a new window with the double-click...
  8. G

    New and improved 'df' command

    Last night, as my first-ever attempt at compiling anything on OS X, I downloaded and compiled the "fileutils" package from GNU's website. The main reason I did this was to get a better 'df' command, which shows disk usage from the command line. The PB doesn't support the '-h' flag, which...
  9. G

    Search for files

    If you've never left your OS X box running for a week or so, the locate and whatis commands will not work. There's a cron job that updates them, but it runs weekly (if I recall correctly). To force the databases to be instantly created, do the following (don't type the stuff in the {}; those...
  10. G

    hiding directories from users - huh?

    MacWrite - I'm sure you've heard this before, but logging in as root is very dangerous. A much better solution to using BBedit is a program called Pseudo. This neat little drag-and-drop app will open whatever you drop on it as root. So drop BBedit on Pseudo, and edit away in relative safety...
  11. G


    SSH was included (but not activated) in the Public Beta; it appears to have been removed from later builds (export restrictions?). However, OpenSSH is easily installed and there are good instructions on for doing so. -rob.
  12. G

    Drivers for OSX

    I think it's a safe bet that they WILL develop them -- if they don't, then they're basically giving up on all future Mac printer sales. That seems like a reasonably good sized chunk of business to just throw away. A more interesting question is when they'll develop them. My money's on...
  13. G

    hiding directories from users - huh?

    rene - my understanding is that, by default, the root account is simply not enabled. all it takes to enable it is a quick trip to netinfo, and you have full access back. other forums on the net have pointed out that you can't really ship a unix without a root account, so it will be there...
  14. G

    Other platforms?

    Or could it possibly be simply left over from when NEXT was available on Intel? Nah, that's too simple an explanation ... think about it - if it's new, why would there be an option to boot to DOS - nobody needs that nowadays. And on the OS X on Intel front, please keep hoping for it only if...
  15. G

    hiding directories from users - huh?

    Here's an easy terminal fix for the hidden file problem: defaults write ShowAllFiles True Next time you login, you should see everything. -rob.
  16. G

    Keystrokes being lost

    OS X PB definitely drops keystrokes on my machine. I'm hoping it's a combination of a beta OS along with my setup -- my USB devices go to a switchbox, and then to two Macs and a PC. I hope it's fixed in the final - it's just a bit more than slightly annoying! -rob.
  17. G

    how to customize directories access

    A couple of users on the Mac OS X Hints site (which I run) posted a step-by-step on how to move the swap to another drive. It's not trivial, but not overly complicated either... Here's the article: Hope this helps... -rob.
  18. G

    Advance orders for OS X release

    Easier to manufacture, and much more predictable parts content. Apple is in control of 100% of the core OS. They may have to wait for some third party stuff they want to bundle on the CD, but that becomes an easy decision -- ship the OS, then press a new version if any third-party stuff was...
  19. G

    things not announced at MW

    I don't think it's windowshade (at least it's not in the Finder). It's the button that shows/hides the "shelf" and navigation features for finder windows. Once the features are hidden, opening a folder opens a new window ala OS 9. Not sure how it will function inside an app, though. Maybe...
  20. G

    More Window Options... Window backgrounds?

    >>>Its a lot like changing the hot keys on us. Whats up with cmd-n now making a new window in list view? Why on earth did they change it?<<< After I&#039;d used OS X for a while, it became very obvious why they assigned cmd-N to &#039;New Finder Window&#039; and shift-cmd-N to &#039;New...