I've spent the weekend playing with 4K78-- and does anyone have the definitive word on whether or not this is the same as the master (aside from the "4k78" text)?-- and it's been pretty disappointing.
Apps still launch very slowly, much more so than under OS 9. IE under OS 9 launchs in less than half the time the native IE launches.
But the real killer is three kernel-level crashes (from a clean install, mind you!) All occurred while running IE 5.5 (the carbonized version), and all resulted in signficiant directory damage. In one case the entire Favorites file was nuked. In all cases I had to reboot from a repair CD I have to fix the directory damage.
OmniWeb doesn't kill the system when it crashes, but little things like their unique interpretation of the Zoom widget (note to Omni Group: zoom means "fill the screen") and a bookmarks menu that forgets all additions, deletions, and other changes made every session) make it annoying to use.
Has anyone else seen this behavior with IE 5.5?
One last thing: I notice that if I reboot into OS 9 from OS X, and the Classic environment was running, OS 9 reports a bad shutdown _every time_. If I manually quit Classic before rebooting, everything's OK.
Right now I'm feeling this ain't quite ready from prime time.
Apps still launch very slowly, much more so than under OS 9. IE under OS 9 launchs in less than half the time the native IE launches.
But the real killer is three kernel-level crashes (from a clean install, mind you!) All occurred while running IE 5.5 (the carbonized version), and all resulted in signficiant directory damage. In one case the entire Favorites file was nuked. In all cases I had to reboot from a repair CD I have to fix the directory damage.
OmniWeb doesn't kill the system when it crashes, but little things like their unique interpretation of the Zoom widget (note to Omni Group: zoom means "fill the screen") and a bookmarks menu that forgets all additions, deletions, and other changes made every session) make it annoying to use.
Has anyone else seen this behavior with IE 5.5?
One last thing: I notice that if I reboot into OS 9 from OS X, and the Classic environment was running, OS 9 reports a bad shutdown _every time_. If I manually quit Classic before rebooting, everything's OK.
Right now I'm feeling this ain't quite ready from prime time.