IE 5.5 kills OS X


I've spent the weekend playing with 4K78-- and does anyone have the definitive word on whether or not this is the same as the master (aside from the "4k78" text)?-- and it's been pretty disappointing.

Apps still launch very slowly, much more so than under OS 9. IE under OS 9 launchs in less than half the time the native IE launches.

But the real killer is three kernel-level crashes (from a clean install, mind you!) All occurred while running IE 5.5 (the carbonized version), and all resulted in signficiant directory damage. In one case the entire Favorites file was nuked. In all cases I had to reboot from a repair CD I have to fix the directory damage.

OmniWeb doesn't kill the system when it crashes, but little things like their unique interpretation of the Zoom widget (note to Omni Group: zoom means "fill the screen") and a bookmarks menu that forgets all additions, deletions, and other changes made every session) make it annoying to use.

Has anyone else seen this behavior with IE 5.5?

One last thing: I notice that if I reboot into OS 9 from OS X, and the Classic environment was running, OS 9 reports a bad shutdown _every time_. If I manually quit Classic before rebooting, everything's OK.

Right now I'm feeling this ain't quite ready from prime time.
Well, before the AppleInsider boards went down today, someone posted what I would consider a fairly definitive shot that proves 4K78 is not the GM or even the last FC build.

On the sharing prefs panel, there are four text strings which clearly don't belong:


These appear in the spots where you'd expect to see things like "File Sharing is off," "Click to start File Sharing", etc. I find it very hard to believe that you'd see this in the GM build -- after all, GM means they're stamping out 4.3 gazillion copies of this build!

Gee, _my_ 4k78 File Sharing prefs panel looks does indeed say things like "File Sharing Off", "Click Start to turn on File Sharing...", etc.
Zoom most emphatically does NOT mean 'fill the screen'; it means 'resize this window to best fit whatever content is inside it'

Any app that fills the screen when you click the zoom button is broken
are you running the IE that came with the Public Beta? If so, that might be the source of your crashes..
jackd - interesting ... i wonder if apple leaked a bad 4K78 to the hotline sites, and that's what this guy got his hands on? ;-)

either way, we'll find out in about 11 days!

* No, I'm not running the IE that came with Public Beta-- it was a clean install.

* This is the 4k78 that was seeded to developers, not a download.

This is why I'm worried...
* No, I'm not running the IE that came with Public Beta-- it was a clean install.

* This is the 4k78 that was seeded to developers, not a download.

This is why I'm worried...
hmm.. works fine here.

(omni web is mucho better :-p )
And it keeps getting better and better ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK

dont use IE lol :-p

(omni web is mucho better :-p )

You miss the point. Under a Unix OS, you should be able to run any app you want, no matter how lousy it is, without kernel panics. The fact that IE is the program that causes the problem is indicative of the fact that M$ writes lousy software, which we all knew anyway, but quite beside the point.
Some people out there say that there are builds after 4K78... I have heard of 4k80 for sure and some not confirmed rumors say there is a 4k81 that is the golden master.

4k78 is not the golden master and the golden master out there in the "shareware" world is false.
Under a Unix OS, you should be able to run any app you want,
no matter how lousy it is, without kernel panics.

This is 100% true, but it's up to the OS. No matter how lousy sw anyone writes, it shouldn't affect the OS. (And explorer's a pretty decent browser - the biggest complaint I have is the text anti-aliasing. I certainly haven't had any panics.)

Re your comment that "zoom means adjust the window to best fit the contents"

You're right, of course. And that's exactly what OmniWeb does: go to different pages and click the maximize button and it will fit the page to the content.

So why do I find this behavior so irritating? Well, it's because as you're browsing, you'll come across all kinds of differently sized pages. And a lot will be wider than the last page you looked at. And OmniWeb won't dynamically resize its window for you (that would be against Apple HI guidelines anyway).

So in any extended browsing session, you'll wind up sizing the window to fill most of the screen anyway. That's the way the zoom button works in every other browser I've used.

Back to the original topic: I had another kernel panic this morning, but IE wasn't running-- I tried to open the Mail app and boom! I must remove IE from the suspects list. I now suspect that maybe a 512M DIMM for $160 might well have been too good to be true!
These "crashes" aren't your typical crash. They can happen with the system just being idle, which is very strange. Based on jackd's info, I think they might be related to memory. I don't know why, but Mac OS X might be more finicky about the type of memory it can handle, possibly choking on anything that isn't exactly up to spec.

I'll be testing out my system with nothing but the base RAM that came in it to see if that stops the kernel panic crash.

Look for updates and findings at:

Originally posted by smcclay
Check out this link at Apple's website, specificly the sharing panel. The 4k78 build that I have does not show 'secure remote login' so I highly doubt that 4k78 is very near to GM.


Originally posted by jackd
Gee, _my_ 4k78 File Sharing prefs panel looks does indeed say things like "File Sharing Off", "Click Start to turn on File Sharing...", etc.

That screenshot you saw is from old Build, Apple did remove Secure login (SSH) for some reason like copyright or licesening... it has been mentioned somewhere in this forum. if want to have SSH then install yourself..

I decided after using 4K78 for a week that it couldn't possibly be the GM, or even a serious final candidate, unless Jobs is paying his development team in crack.

The compilers are broken, important headers files are just plain missing, many of the system activities are clearly too slow to have been optimized properly, and it's overall less stable than previous builds (especially the PB).

So we're still waiting....