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  1. E

    Mathematica to come to OS X

    Mathematica is one of the most important symbolic algebra progams in the scientific world and Wolfram Research announced a OS X port today. They didn't say when, although years ago there was a NeXT version and a Mac version currently exists. This is very good news for OS X in universities and...
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    Advance orders for OS X release

    Is anyone taking advance orders for OS X? Is anyone besides Apple going to offer it on the release day?
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    S...S...Soundj...jjjam skk....ips

    I really like SoundJam on OS 9, but the OS X version is very inefficient (hopefully they will fix this). Look at top and compare Apple's mp3 player and SJ ... Apple's uses 15% - 20% of my 400MHz firewire Powerbook while SJ uses 65% - 70% of the machine. Do something like resize a window and...
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    What are steps to make Internet work with OSX?

    There is something called PPP Connect in the applications folder - it works for me (Powerbook G3 - OS X installed in the only disk partition on the machine)
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    Adobe softwares

    Adobe has made statements that they will support OS X and has shown a bit of Photoshop working in the past. A few weeks ago I sent email to many of the major software vendors and Adobe said that they intend to announce product after the introduction of OS X. There was no guidance on what that...
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    napster 1.0 carbon out

    I take it back - Napster 1.0 is working in OS X. The 10 times I tried to connect were probably very busy (and I got lucky on the other machine). I just made it through. It appears to be a cosmetic only remake of Macster 5.5. It even dies the same way when you quit the application. Still -...
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    napster 1.0 carbon out

    IVersiontracker noted it. I downloaded it as a replacement for macster 5.5, but it always gives a server busy message (where 5.5 on another machine is working). Has anyone had any luck with it?
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    icab has been carbonized

    Happy happy happy! iCab rules. We finally have a carbon version. There are still things to be finished (true on the regular version too), but has been my browser for choice for several months.
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    Can Mac OS X survive without an office suite?

    My only problem with Star Office is that it is worse than MS Office. It trys to be a clone so hard that it is even less useful (I have used it for some time on Solaris). Interface-wise it is one of the most offensive applications I have used ... sigh. Despite my distrust of Microsoft I...
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    iomega zip & macosx

    In my case I have an internal Zip in my G3 laptop - it works under Mac OS 9, but not under Classic or OS X.
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    iomega zip & macosx

    Iomega sent a reply to the Zip driver question last week (I sent emails to every company that makes hardware or software that I care about). They said that they have no plans on releasing drivers before the formal introduction of OS X.
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    Palm Pilot Desktop

    I got a reply from Palm a week ago on the subject. They are working on a carbon version and hope to have a beta out "by the end of the year" and certainly by the introduction of OS X.
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    Netscape for OS X

    I also tried the mozilla port and was not happy with its present state. On the other hand we have OmniWeb and (by the end of the month we're told) iCab along with Explorer. Imagine that - a choice!
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    macx os x on intel

    While there porting the OS is clearly possible, I doubt that you'll see it in the next few years as Apple is structured as a hw/os company. It is extremely expensive to worry about functionality at the layer where software meets the hardware. The "plug and pray" mess in Windows is a good...
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    MS Office 2001

    Actually the place I work isn't that Hitleresque. Most of the Fortune 5000 requires you to use Wintel. An MIS dept selects the machine, puts software on it and (in theory) keeps it and the various LANS, mail servers etc running. We have a policy that allows you to chose other hardware and...
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    MS Office 2001

    At work I'm in a world where Macs are tolerated only if the user supplies his/her own support and they run MS Office. I won't think about moving to OS X on an office machine until Office is carbon and runs well under OS X. For what it is worth the Mac folks at MS are saying that a carbon...
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    mp3 encoding on OS X???

    SoundJam was working on dp4 and they are probably working hard on a X beta version ... I use their Mac OS version all the time and love it. Now if we just had toast and drivers ...
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    Macster is carbonized!

    I installed macster 5.5 in a 9.0 boot of my machine. I then booted in X and moved macster over to an OS X directory. Unfortunately that was the / directory. I can copy it anywhere, but talk about an ugly place ot leave an app. I can't remove it as I don't have sufficient permissions...
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    VST Zip drive in PB

    Some people have mentioned that built-in Zip drives are working in some Macs. For what it is worth the VST Zip drive I use in my "Wallstreet" powerbook isn't recognized by the system.