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  1. D

    download music to sd memory card

    Have you tried another card reader?
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    iMovie/miniDVD question

    Take it back to the store and exchange it for a DV Camera or sell it on Ebay and buy a DV camera. Sorry, but I think that's your only choice for now.
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    2GHZ Intel iMac vs Dual 1GHZ PowerMac MDD

    Today I visited a friend who recently aquired a brand new Intel iMac. I went over to show him a few things, he being a mac neophyte. I was shocked at how slow the Mac OS responded to application switching, loading applications that were in the background when clicked on in the dock in comparison...
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    CDs or DVDs do not mount 10.4 Power Mac G5

    I'm guessing this is an after-market addition to your G5? I believe that it should work with or without patch-burn. You may want to try an archive and reinstall of the OS. If that doesn't work, the drive may be defective. Have you got any friends machines, PC or Mac, to try it out in?
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    G4 Powerbook Monitor Periodically Blacks Out

    Please let us know what happens. I may give that a try myself. I am having the same issue with an iBook Dual USB 500mhz G3. I was under the impression that my video cable was going bad.
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    Pci Usb 2.0 Card And Sleep Problems

    To follow up on what I said before. You have a keep the upgrade and live without the ability to put your computer to sleep (which I do) or you can do without the card. Good Luck!
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    Pci Usb 2.0 Card And Sleep Problems

    This is a known issue. All 3rd party PCI USB 2.0 and firewire cards (that I know of) cause this problem in the G4 PowerMacs. I have a mirror doors model and a belkin USB 2.0 card. I suffer the same problem and did some research when I started having the issue.
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    Someone Say new Powerbooks

    Didn't they say the first Pentium powerbooks would be out in 2007? And yes I do use the following widgets: Weather Doppler Radar Sunlit earth - I just think it's cool Yellow Page search - very useful Conversion tool - converts everthing from currency to distance and weight
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    iTunes + cingular

    That phone is ugly! I would rather have an ipod nano in my pocket and keep my T-Mobile Motorola V600. They should have used the Razor as the rokr phone. The razor is a very cool phone. It would be even cooler if the phone companies didn't disable the bluetooth in it. I hate the mobile phone...
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    ya'll gotta relax

    I can't wait to play computer games on my dual boot Macintosh with windows on a second drive. That's the biggest thing I am excited about after hearing about Windows on my Mac.
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    Microsoft Bluetooth mouse

    You should be able to. I purchased the microsoft Bluetooth mouse and used it with my belkin bluetooth adapter. However I had trouble getting my Mac to recognize the Microsoft bluetooth adapter. So, based on my experience I recommend that you get the internal bluetooth with your Mac mini.
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    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    Help! Intel is inside me! Get it out, get it out! The sky is falling! Buck up boys and girls! It's not the end. We will now all go out and buy new Macs with Intel inside...why you ask...because Steve Jobs has decreed that we shall....afterall we are the Mac Faithful. Edit: I can't believe...
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    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    CNBC is all over this. They act like it is a done deal. Unless this is just some kind of ploy, which I doubt it is, then we will all be using Intel machines quite soon.
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    Computer Does Not Wake From Sleep

    I have a similar problem where my computer will not wake from sleep. My problem is due to the USB 2.0 PCI card and DVD/CD-RW drive that I have added to my computer. I know for a fact that third party PCI cards and other added hardware can cause your Mac to not wake from sleep when put to sleep...
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    Weakened AirPort Extreme Level with Tiger

    I've had a similar problem with my Linksys Wireless G. However my airport express which had been connected via WDS so that I could stream music and connect my xbox to the internet, works just fine. I wonder if it is some kind of problem between the upgrade to 10.4 and Linksys wireless...
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    Pulling wrong DHCP/Router Info

    I am having a problem where my 2 macs, one connecting via airport and the second wired, will pull IP's higher than my router should distribute. For example it would pull 192.x.x.147 whereas I only have 6 machines on my network, each normally pulling 192.x.x.100 - 104. My 2 macs also pull an...
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    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    On CNN today regarding coverage of the cesna flying into the restricted area over Washinton DC. They had two large lcd's and 2 desktop cinema displays, both with mac keyboards and mice. Definitely running OS X and Safari. They were examining blogs regarding the incident.
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    Charter Cable: Slow Website Loading/Slow Internet Response Time

    Mister Me, This is very possible as I am in a new development with new homes popping up every day now. Does anyone else have any other suggestions? All suggestions are much appreciated.
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    Charter Cable: Slow Website Loading/Slow Internet Response Time

    I am having a problem with all of my computers connecting to the web. Each time I try to pull up a website it takes 5-15 seconds for webpages to begin to load. In some cases once the pages begin to load there will be another instance where it will pause for a noticable amount of time before the...
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    no Stuffit Expander in Tiger?

    Versiontracker refers you to fill out the form to download it anyway.