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  1. D

    Unreal2k3 demo

    I believe you adjust the mouse sensitivity in the Input tab under the Settings.
  2. D

    Unreal2k3 demo has a list of mirrors and I've read also has a list of mirrors though they could be the same. As for me I have to wait till I get back to my comp which is at my school right now :( I hope it will be worth the wait though as I've been reading.
  3. D

    diablo 2 trouble

    Have you tried software rendering? It seems that OpenGL doesn't do the 2d thing that D2 uses too well.
  4. D

    Am I a Traitor? I own an XBox now...

    M$'s new slogan:"Who can we match you up with today?" ;)
  5. D

    new iPod

    I guess I'm another one of those ppl that really doesn't care about most of those new features that the new iPods have. I got my 20gb iPod last November and I still don't regret it. Maybe I just don't use my iPod as often as other ppl do though.
  6. D

    AIM Ad-remover?

    Here you go:
  7. D

    Camino new Start Up screen

    Safari sorta does have the password manage bit that Moz does. But not quite. I have at least 3 sites that Safari hasn't asked to store the password for whereas Moz does it just fine. Just check Usernames and Passwords under the Autofill pref in Safari. It's still not as good as Moz...
  8. D

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    Yeah that requirement to fill in a name and email annoyed me so much that I lie about it everytime now. It's actually kind of fun making up wierd names and emailaddys :)
  9. D

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    I'd also like to see image blocking. Esp for the those "WINNER" banners which blink even faster in Safari than in Mozilla. They're enough to give anyone a seisure.
  10. D

    emacs for $779!

    Oh man I've been typing too many .cc files, everytime I see the word 'emacs' I automatically think of that text editor ;). I realized that it couldn't have been the text editor after seeing that price though
  11. D

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Honestly I don't know. The Macnn forum users haven't mentioned anything about having reinstalled it since installing the new Safari. I guess you could try it and see if it brings back the problem again. Sorry I couldn't give you a better idea though.
  12. D

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    I agree w/ you. It annoyed me in v62 and I was really hoping that since it was such a small tidbit that it would be easily fixed for v64. Still not the case. Kind of disapointing, but I guess it shouldn't be that much to complain about for being what was meant to be an internal beta. I do...
  13. D

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    Do you have something called pithhelmet installed? I was reading about users on the macnn forums having the same problem and they had that app installed. Apparently removing it fixed the quiting issue for them.
  14. D

    when will there be an ichat update?

    If the upgrade is gonna cost money I sure hope Apple gets iChat right then. I'm really amazed at how it hasn't seemed to have gotten much attention from them aside from the initial release.
  15. D

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    I ran into an odd bug where all webpages stopped displaying. Don't know what caused it but I went back to the previous official version cause I got annoyed by how the window resized up when the last tab was closed. Yes little quirks really bug me ;)
  16. D

    iChat or AIM?

    The only reason I don't use iChat instead of AIM is that it will display some of my friends as away and then it'll display the rest of them as being idle even though they're really away. I was kind of hoping that this would've been fixed a while ago, but I guess not.
  17. D

    Chimera changing it's name

    I think just plain 'Voyager' sounds good since it's like an expansion on that Navigator name that they have now. iVoyage....that just doesn't seem to have the same ring to it.
  18. D

    I want a new version of Safari!

    Using it right now. They aren't kidding when they said they improved compatability and flash support. I tested it on sites that it screwed up on in the last beta and now those sites work great. Speed is a little hard for me to determine right now....I think it still needs to get some of these...
  19. D

    Konfabulator is out!!

    This program will be great once more third party widgets are released for it. Oh sure I could make my own, but I'm so busy the last thing I'd want to do in my free time is program in my own widgets for a program that costs $25. I'm patient, I'll wait.
  20. D

    iPod:Definition of completely draining the battery

    Oh ok! I didn't realize that. I've always preferred the AC adapter over doing it through my g4, so at least I'm good there. Thanks for the info and help! :)