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  1. T

    could NetInfo serve DNS?

    Type man "in.named" or "man named", you should see that they are one and the same. If "in.named" is not in the man page don't worry I was looking at man page for "named" from another UNIX machine, I am not allowed to use MacOSX, any mac for that matter, at work so my turn around is slow...
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    If I remember correctly, this is an old problem with HP (maybe others) printers, if you are able to send a CTRL-D before the text file is sent then the stepping effect goes away. I think the control character forces the printer to alter the way in which it interprets "line feed" and "carraige...
  3. T

    could NetInfo serve DNS?

    Sort of bumped into this before, not quite the same but similar rulkes may apply, amd and automounter config files was my problem. It looks as though NetInfo can be scripted from UNIX, if that is the case, then you can make the DNS files out of netInfo databases. I have in the past made...
  4. T

    Copy directories with tar

    I think you missunderstood, what I meant by "using dump is easy" is the following command line in the crontab for root. 30 2 * * 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 /xyz/dump_script The "dump_script" is the file containing anything you want to do, in the case dump the filesystem properly. "dump" is...
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    UNIX restore is missing and other things

    Downgraded.....No we just want the things that are included in UNIX(s) (Apple make a big thing about MacOSX being UNIX) to be there and functional, no big deal. To be honest if you put the things there that we expect of UNIX(s) then with regard to Darwin that would constitute an upgrade. I...
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    Copy directories with tar

    HFS is not our problem and its not our problem that Apple didn't come up with a proper RESTORE, just that we have to bloody well deal with it. We are having to get around what are "non-problems", APPLE didn't do the work simple as that. "dump" does exist why?, if other vendors get of...
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    UNIX restore is missing and other things

    Pot shots aside, "dump" does exist hence the query "cloth ears". dump, restore, obscure? a very odd thing for you to say......but there again....... All UNIX(s) have dump and restore, albeit their own version to reflect their own filesystem types. i.e. ufs SUN, xfs SGI, ext linux etc to...
  8. T

    Equivalent of linux command `newgrp`?

    Just got going with NetInfo, detailed specs are not easy to find at the start, so my understanding of it is limited. I can see what NetInfo is doing, too some extent, but more questions come out of any digging around than get resolved. For instance has anybody got MacOSX going in a NIS...
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    UNIX restore is missing and other things

    "restore" is missing even though there is a man page for it "dump" is there, whats the point of having a "dump" utility and not be able to retreive anything. "hostid" is not available, "hostid" is is used by FlexLM to manage licensing onsite. There's probably more missing, but I don't...
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    has anyone ported g77?

    Nice goin. Thanks for the link.
  11. T

    Copy directories with tar

    You can copy whole filesystems, preserving the ownerhsip and groups into other areas by using the following, although I haven't tested dump and restore on MacOSX yet, tonight maybe. MacOSX ---------- cd (to target filesystem) dump 0uf - (from-filesystem) | restore -rf - The 0 is a...
  12. T

    Where Did Export go?

    What shell are you in?, if you are in tcsh it won't work. Your lines will work in "sh", type sh at the prompt. or if you are in tcsh (csh) setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/bin" I think it is /etc/profile not with the (s), I am not on my MacOSX so I can't check this until evening.
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    Virtual desktops

    Yup, "Dual heads" and "Workspaces" (not virtual screens, or indeed hacks) are both essential in the business that I am involved in, both from an Exploration point of view and Systems Admin of very large UNIX sites. The companies I mean are Shell, Exxon, BP/Amocco, Total, Elf, Kerr McGee...
  14. T

    Equivalent of linux command `newgrp`?

    The 4th field in /etc/passwd is your primary group To extend the groups you belong too edit /etc/group - the content of which is fairly clear. This is of course if you want to go down the standard UNIX route, I''l have to look into this to see if it takes effect under MacOSX. It may...
  15. T

    HOWTO - swap partition for OS X

    I like the subject line. Type: pstat -s "swamode not implemented yet" (or something like that). Does it cheese you off, that we have UNIX.....but only bits of it. In some UNIX(s) swap is in /tmp (Solaris), it would have been a neat move to go that way, as mounting the...
  16. T

    Lost telnet ability

    The reason my line for killing inetd with a HUP was a little extended, is that it is platform independant, i.e. it will work on any UNIX, BSD or SYSTEM V. /var/run/ is pretty much a vendor specific implementation. Thanks for the info though on where the PID is stored under MacOSX.
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    Virtual desktops

    CDE etc maybe confusing and feel lifeless, but they do have some good bits which can be taken forward. CDE was brought out initially by, I think, HP "donkeys years" ago, then AIX got it SUN got it and SGI can have it also. There are some very usefull features in CDE and a lot of...
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    Human Interface Standards, the Dock and More...

    ahaig - you just keep right on goin, there's nothing wrong with liking something because its good, quirks/features not withstanding. In MacOSX there are things that have been lost or not as easy to get at. The DOCK has been around for a long time under UNIX, CDE for instance. The latter...
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    Give me a BREAK

    I have just run through some of the other boards on this and it does seem as though Macs of all sorts run at different rates. There are all kinds of fixes out there and some work on a particular machine and not on another identicle machine. The latter would suggest some setup or some subtle...
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    Lost telnet ability

    In most UNIXs the hand cranked method of disabling services is as follows: Edit /etc/inetd.conf and comment out the necessary servce. You can also edit /etc/services and comment out the port id. But you will need to get the PID of the INETD process to reread is service mapping: kill...