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  1. MacSub

    WYSIWIG Webpage Editors

    BBedit 6 is good, but again its not a WYSIWYG
  2. MacSub

    anyone using XP? (this is an OSX Q.)

    Don't get me wrong, I hate windows; in fact I am the most anti-Microsoft/PC/windows person I've ever known...(did I say that right?!? Well, you get the point)
  3. MacSub

    anyone using XP? (this is an OSX Q.)

    to the user whom said to use the TERMINAL app to run an app as any user... the point is that first of all XP offers something that Mac OSX currently does not, regardless of whether or not the rest of XP sucks, this will invite windows fans to bash OSX...and why should we leave anything to...
  4. MacSub

    anyone using XP? (this is an OSX Q.)

    yeah, basically thats the point. I hate logging out, quiting my apps just so that someone else wants to check there email, or run their version of IE just becuase the bookmarks are setup different. I was really impressed to here that XP keeps a saved state of all open apps while another user...
  5. MacSub

    anyone using XP? (this is an OSX Q.)

    humm, ok I understand what you are how does XP do this?? Do they have separate copies for each user...that wouldn't make sense... Just like in OSX with different users, each users 'copy' of an app is set up differently to that user, it would seem that OSX could take advantage of...
  6. MacSub

    anyone using XP? (this is an OSX Q.)

    Great, so for the second part of my question....why doesnt apple use a similar technology, just as an OPTION instead of loging out. (in XP you can do a full log out as is probably very similar to our OSX logout...right?) This might be the only decent thing that windows has over...
  7. MacSub

    anyone using XP? (this is an OSX Q.)

    My question is about OSX... I have heard alot about XP's ability to swich users without actually 'loging-out'... For anyone using XP, is this true? does it work? and why doesn't OSX use a similar method as an option for quickly switching users instead of a full 'log-out'?
  8. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    oooooohhhhhh, bad word! by the way do they still NOT allow G4's into nations like Iran? ...UM, what was I going to post... Oh, I never used Lableing in OS9, but I knew people that did..quite a bit, and I could see a use for them in OSX; IT's really all about how well WE can configure...
  9. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    great! Now don't forget to read my post above...I need that stuff changed badly...and I like the menuling mail idea too.
  10. MacSub

    OSX 10.1 review by: vic

    I really hope this is not the GM, I too have 5G64, and I am not really thrilled by it..I seem to have more negaitves than positives on this one. My new cdrw doesn't work with this build, the app error-bounce drives me nuts! (Im glad to here that your mail app doesn't do that to you). I think...
  11. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    Here's my list: Ok, well the Clock should be a single click= date; a click and hold = menu. Thats what it should be! Perhaps with a menu-calender if they insist on keeping a click-menu; so that its easy to read. BOUNCING....if you haven't experienced it, just wait! (and no, im not...
  12. MacSub

    OSX 10.1 review by: vic

    NO, Im not talking about the app bouncing in the dock upon opening, I know all aobut that (i too disabled that in the original 10.0). This is entirely new! There is a new bounce that when an app requires your attention the app bounces far OFF the dock, even if you have the dock hidden the...
  13. MacSub

    OSX 10.1 review by: vic

    Does anyone else have this problem: OK, there an option to turn off the ANNOYING BOUNCING thing that happens when an app wants your attention? Its really getting on my nervs, as soon as I get into something...BOUNCE.... Also, geezz did I downgrade with 10.1 (build 5G64)? My...
  14. MacSub

    So is 5G64 GM?

    "Ideas..." I have it installed thanks to "MacAvenger", and although I think this build of 10.1 is great, there are some features I liked better in 10.0.4; not to mention some things that now don't work...figures...thats why im wondering if this is the GM or not? Also about speed, I might...
  15. MacSub

    So is 5G64 GM?

    Are any of you getting a item in the dock that pops-up and bounces when it wants your attention? Is there any way to disable this? It is really getting annoying! Please Help Me!:(
  16. MacSub

    Have proof that 5G64 is GM

    So did Apple 'Give' this copy to you....for FREE? I don't care if you were at seybold, if they gave you an upgrade for free, then they should give it away at the Apple stores too!
  17. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    I agree, read my post "so is 5G64 GM?". I don't like the new clock! I hate it! Oh, by the way... when I select the systemprefs in the menu, it works just fine for me...Sorry your having trouble.
  18. MacSub

    So is 5G64 GM?

    Please read posts below!
  19. MacSub

    Macavenger... your FTP

    I went from about 700bites per sec. to just over 18! ouch! Opps, just checked again, were down to 17...Oh, well Im gald its there! Im going to bed, in the moring I hope to see a nice 10.1:cool: