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  1. MacSub

    Macavenger... your FTP

    Im slowing down......hey how about booting someone off (NOT ME!):D
  2. MacSub

    Macavenger... your FTP

    Thanks MacAvenger! :D I just like saying that, great screen name! you need an artistic rendition of MacAvenger!
  3. MacSub

    Macavenger... your FTP

    nevermind! I got it going, I was doing it right before, It just wasnt connecting for some reason. Geezzz what a fast connection! Thanks MacAvenger! whats my next move though, can I make a bootable CD using ToasT in OSX or OS9?
  4. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    Ive emailed the admin so that we can find a way to upload it, don't have a reply yet though. about creating a disk about Disk Utility? What does that do beside check the HD?
  5. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    Really? Sweet! Well lets figure out where you can upload it! Is your copy the true GM? Is it the same build? doesn't really matter, just find the upload!:)
  6. MacSub

    Macavenger... your FTP

    About some support...Ok, is the and the I'm confused...Also, how exactly did you connect to the ftp server? should I use the finder in OSX? or a program like Fetch? After that, from what I understand we need to make a bootable disk in order to install...
  7. MacSub

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    NO kidding, I don't care what it doesn't have, I want it on my mac! Please post it on! I have a fast DSL connection, I'll download it!
  8. MacSub

    Flat screen iMac

    Perhaps, in a few years? If we want to talk about iMacs here's my two cents...CTR monitors for the next year, processer the new G5. about the new G5's, I can't wait till January, anyone know how "real" this rumor is? If G5's are a 10 pipeline with 1.6Ghz and NO ALTI-VEC, then I expect these...
  9. MacSub

    new hardware

    What is this a joke?
  10. MacSub

    Up-To-Date Program Confirmed @ CompUSA!!!

    Is that getting a free copy or a $19.95 copy? (I realize we will not know that until it happens, but hey someone might know?!) Apple has implied that if you get the copy from a store it (might) be free, according to the sales person I spoke with, and by what the web site says.
  11. MacSub

    "Unlicensed" displayed across desktop!!

    Thanks for checkin it out; My main complaint if you couldn't tell was that in the site CALTAGANDLABEL.COM, using Omniweb the Flash buttons had a white background...if this did not happen to you then great! To me this is very annoying! There is no reason (that I can think of) for why this is...
  12. MacSub

    10.1 Final

    I really don't find speed a real issue, Sure it could use a boost, but I have dedicated my computer to it since it's offical release...Rarely do I ever use OS9. Sometimes OSX slows down, but its not syrup or's Aqua! As for the Gamepad, I have a Gravis..Gamepad. Is this likely...
  13. MacSub

    10.1 Final

    Ok, well now when do i get my copy? About mentioned there was no support for gamepads? I was really hoping for gamepad support with this release...I have been playing THPS2 demo with the hopes that gamepad support would be there on 10.1 and then I would buy it (THPS that is)...
  14. MacSub

    "Unlicensed" displayed across desktop!!

    Omniweb isnt all that! Personally, I really hate to say it, but MS IE is currently the best browser, second up....ICab...then Omniweb! Unfortunetly Omniweb really screws up some web pages when rendered! I am a webmaster and some of the designs that I am working on just look wrong when in...
  15. MacSub

    Hardware Delema Mac or PC?

    for an editoial on G5 visit
  16. MacSub

    Hardware Delema Mac or PC?

    According to some of the mac sites (and pc sites) there's a rumor flying around that come this january we are going to see new chips. I hope this is true; Motorola is going to announce new G5 chips that reach 1.6Ghz! Good news if true, but don't blame Apple if its not (or Motorola/IBM).
  17. MacSub


    I figured out my problem, in configuring the Airport, after setup has finished, you must go to the Airport Utility and set up the internet, or rather the eathernet router info, and then it works. I have left detailed step-by-step into at however if you would like my to go over it...
  18. MacSub

    OS X + XP: Who will really win?

    No, I mean really...what planet are you from? You must be one of the few people that is siding with windows after being with the mac, man that's just strange? But hey what ever works for you. Will you please explain why you have come to this conclusion? I used to use Windows and no...
  19. MacSub

    OS X + XP: Who will really win?

    Fist off, it has been said that Apple already has an intel compatable version of OSX finished, however debate and M$ threats have held back any discussion on releasing public opinion about OSX on winBoxes. Also, to a user above that has an IT friend, I too have an IT friend that told ME that...
  20. MacSub

    how much can I get?

    No problem, if you feel that the release will be that soon, I will wait for sure! I am so excited! 10.1............I sure hope XP is a real let down. I spoke with a comp usa dealer whom has always been a windows user, he has seen an XP demo (actuall in store demo) from microsoft and he told...