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  1. D

    Mouse And Pen Problem

    Try resetting the PRAM If that doesn't work (and I'm assuming you have a G5 iMac) Try resetting the SMU
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    Printer not found into the network

    check this out sorry... that might be only for network printers....
  3. D

    HD1600 160GB External Hard Drive?

    Depends on the formatting. If it's formatted FAT32 it will work, albeit not flawlessly. If it's Mac OS extended, it won't be a problem. You can always use Disk Utility to reformat the drive.
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    Converting WMA to mp3

    I haven't tried this myself, but I've heard this works. (I'd back up the files you want to convert first) Use VLC You need to run the VLC executable from the command line, as follows: path_to_VLC/ file_to_convert.WMA --aout file This will create a file...
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    No Startup sound!?! Why!

    To get the sound back on startup hold option+Apple+P+R immediately after you press the power button. keep it pressed until you hear the chime (or it's been longer than 2 minutes). If, after two minutes you still don't hear a chime you could be having a hardware problem.
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    Mac startup help!

    check these out 10.4: 10.3.9 or earlier:
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    Finder memory not holding

    Sounds like you're have a preference issue. To check for this create a new account in System Preferences. Log out and log back in as this new user. IF the problems go away than the issue is limited to your User folder. To troubleshoot this: Try deleting your printer from the printer list...
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    the ethernet is missing!

    If there is nothing in the Network window you need to delete the 3 files in the "Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration Folders. ONce that is done restart the computer and you should be good to go.
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    Dual G4 machine is the Devil

    You're experiencing kernel panics. These are more often than not caused by Bad RAM, but failing HDs and Logic Boards can also contribute to this. I would try swapping out RAM (or only leaving one chip in) to see if this clears up the issues. The best way to continue to troubleshoot this is...
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    Mouse Button not working - Ibook G4

    Lift up the keyboard. Remove the Airport card following the instructions under the keyboard. Using a jewelers philips head screwdriver, unscrew the metal plate covering the logic board. There will either be a white connector easily visible under the plate, or a brown and black square connector...
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    Connect to server problem??

    Make sure you're using her correct admin user name and password when you're entering it on your computer. (You can check by clicking on the Lock on any of the Account in Systems Preferences) Also, make sure Personal File Sharing is turned on. If you still can't connect, you could try creating a...
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    Entourage Help!

    Run Microsof AutoUpdate to make sure you're on the latest version. Also, make sure the Test Drive is no longer on the computer.
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    Mouse Keys

    Stop using that 3rd party app. or delete your mouse preferences.
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    Ethernet Modem problems

    Internet is internet. There is no PC or Mac. It works or it doesn't. Both systems use the same protocol, and although I have heard from some yahoos that one "system" does not support Macs, I guarantee you that's bull. If your parents are using DSL, you might have an issue, cable, they're fine...
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    Help-Entourage and Time Zones

    Check the time zone in Date and Time in System Preferences. Make sure that you're in the right zone. If you are. Archive and reinstall. (Preserve Users and Network setttings)
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    OS X will not open External Drive where it left off

    Backup the drive IMMEDIATELY. It could be failing.
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    Wifi working - need some assistance

    Umm... your home setup would have nothing to do with your road setup. That said, buy an Airport card. If you're one of those cheap people who still own a G3 iBook, you're screwed, but you get what you pay for.
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    G4 won't boot!Stalls @ gray apple screen

    6. Decided to just go do an Archive & Install to replace the old system, but it won't let me. Says I have a newer version & have to do a clean install. This would cause me to loose a bunch of important files that I haven't backed up lately (I know! I know! I'm bad!!!). Freaked a bit.... It would...
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    iTunes crashes when I open it...

    In this case I would try deleting the preferences for iTunes. Navigate to your User/(Your name)/Library/Preferences/ folder and delete the the<x> file. Don't empty the trash yet. See if that takes care of the issue. if not, remove your iTunes library and re import your songs.
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    Accedently Deleted!

    Reinstall the system. Using the discs that came with your computer. iChat is part of OS X base system and will be reinstalled when you do this. Insert the disc. Hold down the "c" key to start up from it. When prompted, choose "Archive and Reinstall" and make sure (it's the default) that youre...