Mouse And Pen Problem


When it rains it pours...another problem has popped with my iMac.
I started getting an occasional warning window pop up 2 days ago as my mouse started acting erratically. The warning stated there was insufficient power to the USB.
Eventually, the red light went out on the mouse, and I plugged it into a PocketHub I have attached to the computer (it had been plugged into the keyboard). The only thing running off that hub is my Wacom tablet. (printer is also attached but not running as it's out of ink and I need to re-install the Printer Utility to find out which cartridges need replacing).
The change to the PocketHub lasted a day - and then I got the insufficient power notice again. The mouse continued working erratically for a bit and then died. I then plugged it directly into the computer. It worked like a charm. Until last night. A new message popped up regarding insufficient power and directed me to try plugging the device directly into the computer, where it already was.

I decided to go to my pen and tablet as an alternate. That's when I discovered the pen wasn't working. Or perhaps the tablet. Or both. Although the light on the tablet is on and changes from orange to green when the pen touches it. But the cursor does not move. It worked fine last night as I was finishing a graphics project till about 11 pm.

I've had this setup for 2 1/5 years and wonder why all of a sudden I'm getting a low power warning.
Hopefully someone has an idea.
Thank you for your help,
If both of those don't work, replace the mouse. That bugger seems to be bad luck now. ;)
I brought my house mouse to work and plugged it into the port on the side of the monitor here and immediately the screen went black, flashed back on, went black and acted quite weird.
I then plugged the mouse into the keyboard.
A window popped up saying USB low power warning and the device would be shut down. (paraphrasing)
I unplugged the mouse.
I brought my work mouse home last night, plugged it into my iMac and it worked like a charm. I guess I have a dead mouse on my hands.
