Search results

  1. xoot

    director for osx?

    Yup... Director is cool... I would hate to see it go. :(
  2. xoot

    QuickTime 6 is released!!!!!!!!!

    The xootblog is gonna be updated like crazy today. I think that iTunes 3 will be out today too. :)
  3. xoot

    Update to Aqua -!

    Great eyes, kainjow. :D
  4. xoot

    What happened?

    I knew these forums were going to power up when MWNY is near. :D
  5. xoot

    6C9X build tested here.

    A warning about HP printers: Most of them don't have correct drivers for Mac. Like the Photosmart 100.
  6. xoot


    It's a pretty bad picture, if you ask me. :)
  7. xoot

    What happened?

    Is that sarcasm I sense? :D
  8. xoot

    What happened?

    There has been a sudden influx of users in this forum. What happened? :eek:
  9. xoot

    Apple Security Update

    CNET ran an article claiming that M$ had helped Apple to fix this problem. Can I confirm if this is true or not?
  10. xoot

    Time to kill the "PowerMac" name....?

    How about this? :D
  11. xoot

    Isn't it time to really promote OS X?

    And it must not change the PowerMac name to xMac. Featured Here:
  12. xoot

    I just wanted to let everyone know that..

    Did you try booting up in Classic mode or <sarcasm>xootd mode</sarcasm>?
  13. xoot

    Movies that feature Macs

    "Pirates Of Silicon Valley" :D Good Movie. Great Movie. Funny Movie. Also, "Bedazzled".
  14. xoot

    What does URL stand for?

    Wow... look how this thread has went... URL -> Car
  15. xoot

    Did you switch from PC to Mac?

    I use both. But I use my Mac 99% more than my PC. :D
  16. xoot

    Aquafy The Poll

    Ok, some explanation. Admin - yes you do. :D Everyone who voted no - The themes don't have to be Aqua themes! They can be non-aqua, just blue and white if you say so.
  17. xoot

    Who is the Most active member Lately?

    And your extruciatingly long sig. :D
  18. xoot

    Deleting Users

    cd "/Users" rm -rf "Test"
  19. xoot

    Help! No Preferance Panes In System Preferences!!!!!!!

    Re-install OS X. Did you re-format the drive you were installing it on? :)
  20. xoot

    basic graphics app
