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  1. J

    iMac chrome goose neck thing

    It was ME allright! I can't wait until the Apple store opens in Southpoint Mall in March. In case u were wondering, the CompUSA i meant is the one on Glenwood Ave. in case thers more than 1.
  2. J

    Mac os 10.2

    I can't wait until a month from now. Apple is opening a stroe near me in this new mall.
  3. J

    iMac chrome goose neck thing

    I saw one at the Raleigh CompUSA 2 days ago. It didn't look like that the screen was removeable, however it had these big things in it.
  4. J

    recommend compatible combo drive

    Nah, it couldn't be a Toshiba SD-R1102, as the SD-R1002 is what iBook comvos have. Thatdrive is for laptop use only. I know that the difference between the 2 is burning spped. I know that Toshiba DOES make 5.25" combo drives.
  5. J

    osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?

    That set-boot-device command u came up with isnt a real command. If u wanted to chane the boot-device to hd:,\\tbxi (the default for 600mhz iceBooks) u would do setenv boot-device hd:,\\tbxi
  6. J

    How many posts to get promotion?

    thank you
  7. J

    SIIG Ultra 133 RAID stops boot to OS 9.2.2

    Perhaps u need to do a clean install of os 9.2.2
  8. J

    Hervé Hinnekens Design Of MacOSX

    AdmiralAK probaly knows greek cause his real name is greek (which i cant tell you cause sithious called me a fathead for posting it).
  9. J

    How many posts to get promotion?

    Ah, I was wondering how i got promotedto Member without me knowing it.
  10. J

    How many posts to get promotion?

    How many posts have to be made by someone for them to have their class (Junior Member, Official Volounteer, etc) changed? And please list every class and how many posts to get it.
  11. J

    G3 All In One - Why didn't IT sell?

    Ummm, the G3 All-in-One had only ONE floppy for it. That extra slot is for a optional Zip. How do I know? I saw one at my old school and the left slot had the Zip logoon it.
  12. J

    what does a crash look like

    there is a mp3 sampler included with the classic version of iTunes. the list is avilible here
  13. J

    TFTP Stuff

    Never mind. It is working. Just had to retreve it as root.
  14. J

    TFTP Stuff

    I am getting permission denied errors. Is there a different TFTPD i can use?
  15. J

    Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

    NeYo, You can't connect to your other computer using the mentioned methods, as you are using 10.0.x. Like I said its a GREAT idea to upgrade, because of its ~30% higher performance, and some apps like MS Office need the upgrade.
  16. J

    Dangerous OS X Badge

    That "X" must be that thing with a white circle around it in the hd icon in the Startup Manager (that thing witharrows and icons u get when u hold option on boot up on some macs).
  17. J

    Dangerous OS X Badge

    And I saw those hex images when i decided to look at the contents of BootX (the osx bootloader, which i have the source code to :D) cause i was BORED.
  18. J

    what does a crash look like

    I would have random lock-ups like every 15 minutes on my old iMac Rev. D.
  19. J

    Some1's Selling An iBook... And... ( u know me... PC User! LOL)

    NeYo, I noticed that you are using Mac OS X 10.0.4. Shouldn't you be running 10.1.x like me? The upgrade is only $20 from Apple just goto here for more info or free from your nearest Apple dealer (CompUSA is mine, but im gettin a Apple retailstore in Durham (which is like 20mi from where i...
  20. J

    Apple II experienced users...

    Ive got an Amiga A1200HD with a 260 mb hd that i got a few years from SoftHut and i later got from them an Apollo 1230 CPU upgrade card with a 40mhz MC68030 cpu on it and i got at the same time a 16mb simm for that card. (By the way, the A1200 has its designers names on its motherboard (along...