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  1. Z

    X windows on os x

    I, too, was disgusted with twm. So I thought, wait, the computers in the UNIX clusters at my school have all sorts of good managers, and it would be a cool, stupid trick to run it from there. So, I start X, then ssh to my account on one of those boxes, then type setenv DISPLAY...
  2. Z

    Starting OS X and Aqua command line?

    Very clever scruffy. You are wise in the ways of ls. I'm sure I'll find a lot of uses for the "last read" bit of data. That's a real nice thing to be able to know. (Too bad the inspector, AFAIK, doesn't do this.) I still can't get the alternate workspace thing to work right. No matter what...
  3. Z

    User Root Exposed

    Um, yes, I second that. I am able to SU from a ssh login just fine, thank you, and I really really recommend against any such munging around and deleting root. sagegreenimac, what was the point of this exercise? If there is a valid reason to do such a thing, I would really be interested in...
  4. Z

    A crash in OS X

    What happened was that the UI ("Aqua" or the window manager) somehow crashed. The core system (the kernel and all of its buddies) did, however, not crash. Aqua does crash from time to time, as really any program does. The problem is that command-option-escape and other escape key sequences seem...
  5. Z

    plist settings?

    if you have the dev tools, the plist editor will do this for you. otherwise, just open the plist up in some text editor, and slog through the XML. If that isn't your bag, bust out a terminal and type: defaults read to see what's in the plist, and then you can apply the many...
  6. Z


    I'm not familiar with your model HP, but if it is USB, there is a chance that it will work with some (buggy?) beta drivers. Again, a simple search of the fora for "hp printer" would have revealed this info. A good place to start is here. Zach
  7. Z

    Them Per User Idea - need help

    Look at the man page for "loginwindow" (the app that logs you in after you type your name into it, and stays active until you log out.) Though dated 1989, the page makes reference to Mac OS X, so the information may be valuable. Anyway, it notes that there are application hooks for login...
  8. Z

    desktop crash loop...

    The "terminal app process completed" problem has cropped up here before. Search for "process completed" on these forums -- it is a very very common bug, and some people seem to think it is caused by Norton hosing stuff. But there may be other causes. (Have you used Norton disk utilities of any...
  9. Z

    Starting OS X and Aqua command line?

    Good ideas, scruffy. I tried to create a new user that would have a workspace, by creating a user and then su'ing to him and typing: defaults write loginwindow Workspace /usr/X11R6/bin/startx defaults write loginwindow workspace /usr/X11R6/bin/startx (just in case it was...
  10. Z

    Starting OS X and Aqua command line?

    I've installed Xfree86 on my system, so at times I log in as >console to use the X system without having to go through a VNC or Xtools intermediate. I have one question: If I log in as >console, is there any way to get back to aqua? I'm trying to make a "startaqua" shell script a bit like...
  11. Z

    X windows on os x

    I installed Xtools over Xfree86 just to see if it would work. That didn't -- the installer pooped out, even when run as root. But, when I installed Xtools first and then Xfree86 on top (Xfree86 install method = gnutar'ing the tarball as root) everything worked great. Xtools starts up, vncserver...
  12. Z

    I need help please

    you downloaded a 70 meg file (twice) without knowing how to use it, what to do with it, or what it does? (or even how to expand it?) look man, apple has some good documentation for their developer tools, and i suggest you think about hitting those.
  13. Z

    I need help please

    I'm going to assume that other than being relatively new to the terminal and *NIX development, you know what you are doing. If I am wrong, please be careful -- you can wreak a lot of havoc with the dev tools, especially if you're following directions that involve you doing stuff as root (after a...
  14. Z

    Wheres my floppy?

    I haven't checked as I am at work now, but I seem to recall that the only piece of hardware that apple was not committing to supporting was the beige G3s' floppy drives. This doesn't mean that support won't be there, but it isn't guaranteed, either. If I get home and my beige's...
  15. Z


    bp, ouch, that sucks. that sounds like something you should report to apple -- my only guess is that a bunch of soft links got hosed? But I can't find any in my library folder right now. does anyone know if there are any such beasts in the ~/Library folders? zach
  16. Z

    Things Apple forgot in OS X

    Agreed, having multiple copies of isn't like having multiple desktops. But, (if it worked) it solves some very useful problems. First, say you want to "su" to do something, like changing the contents of /Applications. Old way: log out, log in as root, log out, log back in...
  17. Z

    You gotta be kidding

    Techoncall, PLEASE do tell us what it is precisely you see as stumbling blocks for people to learn OS X. I think everyone on this thread is interested in what it is that makes it a "a confusing jumble of clustering" anyway? As I posted earlier, I find that the new os has a remarkably short...
  18. Z

    I need help please

    have you tried the command line untar procedure? in my experience, open up can be flaky. anyway, you shouldn't have to redownload all the time unless you have stuffit expander set to delete the files expands -- a bad idea right now, considering that stuffit expander 5.5 for X likes to eat .tgz...
  19. Z

    Darwin 1.2.1 is for what?

    I think in the OS X installer the "BSD Subsystem" and "OS X" or whatever they call the top layer in the installer (sorry, can't remember off the top of my head) are separate checkboxes. If my thinking is correct, you could check one and not the other, and install a new darwin core "BSD...
  20. Z

    Things Apple forgot in OS X

    Err, I did this multiple trick and it basically ate my filesystem. I got all those invalid node zero things on my disk and I had to reinstall os 9. (But not x!) So caveat emptor.