I've installed Xfree86 on my system, so at times I log in as >console to use the X system without having to go through a VNC or Xtools intermediate.
I have one question:
If I log in as >console, is there any way to get back to aqua? I'm trying to make a "startaqua" shell script a bit like "startx" but I can't find anywhere (i've looked through all the rc files and other startup files I know of), but I can't figure the order of operations.
Now, this question has a lot more general applicability (than just to Xfree86 users) because of the cool things you could do if you could control the Aqua/Loginwindow startup. Among many other reasons, I've been hunting for configurable aqua startup files ever since i looked at the man pages for loginwindow -- there is a lot of neat stuff you could have that do if you could find the startup script (if any) that launches it from the command line. Like apps/scripts that are executed every time any login or logout happens (customized logging? A better implementation of the "theme per user" idea?) and a lot of other possibly useful stuff. (Provided the out-of-date man page still has valid info.)
So as far as starting aqua de novo :
I know it involves opening (perhaps in this order?):
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/Window\ Manager
so I tried lopgging into console as root and then typing
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/
./WindowServer ; open ./loginwindow.app
This opened the window server and the login window, but pooped out when I tried to login. I then tried to do the same trick but instead of opening the login window, i tried to have it open terminal.app. this did not work at all, and it chewed a few B-tree nodes on my filesystem for my troubles.
I tired to look for the OS X boot scripts that control this part of startup, but /etc/rc was only minimally helpful...
So there would be a lot of cool possibilities if we could find:
1) The scripts that start the window server, window manager, and loginwindow to configure
and 2) How to get back into aqua from a >console login.
Any thoughts?
I have one question:
If I log in as >console, is there any way to get back to aqua? I'm trying to make a "startaqua" shell script a bit like "startx" but I can't find anywhere (i've looked through all the rc files and other startup files I know of), but I can't figure the order of operations.
Now, this question has a lot more general applicability (than just to Xfree86 users) because of the cool things you could do if you could control the Aqua/Loginwindow startup. Among many other reasons, I've been hunting for configurable aqua startup files ever since i looked at the man pages for loginwindow -- there is a lot of neat stuff you could have that do if you could find the startup script (if any) that launches it from the command line. Like apps/scripts that are executed every time any login or logout happens (customized logging? A better implementation of the "theme per user" idea?) and a lot of other possibly useful stuff. (Provided the out-of-date man page still has valid info.)
So as far as starting aqua de novo :
I know it involves opening (perhaps in this order?):
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/Window\ Manager
so I tried lopgging into console as root and then typing
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/
./WindowServer ; open ./loginwindow.app
This opened the window server and the login window, but pooped out when I tried to login. I then tried to do the same trick but instead of opening the login window, i tried to have it open terminal.app. this did not work at all, and it chewed a few B-tree nodes on my filesystem for my troubles.
I tired to look for the OS X boot scripts that control this part of startup, but /etc/rc was only minimally helpful...
So there would be a lot of cool possibilities if we could find:
1) The scripts that start the window server, window manager, and loginwindow to configure
and 2) How to get back into aqua from a >console login.
Any thoughts?