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  1. M

    differences beetwen apple flat displays ?

    NB : there's also a "burn screen" problem. When a window or a picture stays a minute (just a minute) anywhere on the screen, so we can see some remaining picture of it at there. :( So again the same question : is it normal ? PS : that's why I set the sceen saver time to 5 mn.
  2. M

    differences beetwen apple flat displays ?

    it's not that. the brightness is ok (contrast is not available for a such screen). it's just the stroke of the screen which is too light, on each of the 4 sides. look at that : I take a screen capture/picture of the menu bar which appears white colored. I open the picture with Preview...
  3. M

    NULL meaning in MySQL

    you're right. the three works, but it was just to be explicit. Writing NULL in the definition (even if it is by default null) I do insist on it (for the reader, not the MySQL server who knows it is the same thing ;) ) -> good idea of creating a Web Programming board ;)
  4. M

    differences beetwen apple flat displays ?

    Hi. My father has got an iBook (last generation). A friend of mine has got a new iMac (flat display, so) Personally, I've got a PMG4 with a Apple Flat Display 17" (last one) the problem ? The Mac OS X menu bar has some grey horizontal lines drawn on a white background. On my father's...