differences beetwen apple flat displays ?



My father has got an iBook (last generation).
A friend of mine has got a new iMac (flat display, so)
Personally, I've got a PMG4 with a Apple Flat Display 17" (last one)

the problem ?
The Mac OS X menu bar has some grey horizontal lines drawn on a white background. On my father's iBook screen we can see them, on my friend's iMac screen too but on my own screen nothing to do. The sides of the screen are lighter. So the background of my menu bar is white.

So here is my question :

Considering those differences, I think contrast is better on the iBook & iMac displays. So are they of the same quality ?

Mine should be better : more expansive (he he) with some special options (no reflects, better visibility angle, ...)

Have I to contact Apple to tell them my screen works bad ?

Thank you very much,
Try checking into the calibration settings for your monitor. Sounds like they are jsut set too light. Not on a Mac right now--:eek: --but it's in the system prefs somewhere. Either choose a preset or set one for yourself that you like. Hope that helps.

it's not that. the brightness is ok (contrast is not available for a such screen).

it's just the stroke of the screen which is too light, on each of the 4 sides.

look at that :

I take a screen capture/picture of the menu bar which appears white colored. I open the picture with Preview and move the window of it on the center of the screen. What do I see ? A white background with horizontal grey lines. the ones I don't see on my menu bar ...

Do you understand now ? It's not a settings problem (it's the same at any brightness level). It seems to be a screen problem.

I was thinking it's because the screen is so large (17") and the power is less distributed on the sides ...

So if anybody can tell me if he has the same problem on his own apple LCD 17" thank you. If not, I will call Apple to know what they think about it.

thank you
NB : there's also a "burn screen" problem. When a window or a picture stays a minute (just a minute) anywhere on the screen, so we can see some remaining picture of it at there. :(
So again the same question : is it normal ?

PS : that's why I set the sceen saver time to 5 mn.
Sorry that didn't help....Not being a hardware guru or anything, I would say you just might have a bad monitor. I myself have the Apple 17" LCD and it works great....so to answer your question, No, what yours is doing doesn't sound normal.
One thing to check...and I am not sure this is the case with LCD's (but I know it affects CRT's) you might try moving speakers away from the screen if you have any around it. The field from the magnets in the back of speakers can strongly affect displays.

thank you but I didn't have speakers before this week (I found my old AppleDesign Powered Speakers this last week-end. You know, the very old ones ... I used to plug them on my LC 475 ... so imagine how old they are. :) they work so well)

-> I will call Apple, just to hear what they say. ;)
thank you. I will post something about my call later if it has been usefull.
