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  1. B

    [poop] on me

    ROTFLMAO! (where's that smily from macfora when you need it?) hey, even though we started clean again doesn't mean you guys can just start cussing all over the place... stuff like that started our problems... let's just try to keep it clean edit: macko... good change on that title there...
  2. B

    A clean start is possible, but it's up to us!

    I for one, am definitely coming back. If you do it every day for 6 months, it's hard to stop coming here! I will forgive Admin for his actions... I hope today's fiasco turns out to make the forum a better place. And while you're at it, you might want to check out and...
  3. B

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Wow... what a change... i dunno... i may stay here... it's where i've been for 6 months... i don't think i can leave for good... i'll have to sleep on it... i'll talk to you guys tomorrow
  4. B

    newbe question...

    People have those red "gone" icons because they have left this site out of protest for recent actions and have done that to signify it. I came back just to check up on the status of some remaining members... alot have changed forums... see my signature for links, but most have checked over...
  5. B

    DVD codec/ how to crunch full dvd?

    i edit with only 60 GB... so as soon as i'm done with a clip... POOF! gone! anyways, i sent the e-mail to the one that's on your website... i can't remember what it was... if u can't get it, send me an e-mail ( ) and i'll resend it to you
  6. B

    "My Mac just works."

    that was just about the ad's... see... "New Apple Ads"
  7. B

    "My Mac just works." SO COOL! :D