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  1. E

    Website authoring tool

    Better still: Aperture and Lightroom both have excellent functions for album publishing.
  2. E

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question

    .DS_Store are supposed to be there. They contain information the Finder uses to determine how the window of that particular folder should look. All files starting with a period (dot) are supposed to be invisible. You've used a setting in Tinkertool to tell the Finder to show invisible files...
  3. E

    New OS X menubar feature

    As far as I can tell this only works with Apples own stuff. StuffIts Magic Menu, Plaxo, Quicksilver, Little Snitch and Drop Copy won't move...
  4. E

    Transparent Tiffs?

    Changing the file name doesn't alter the file format. It may look like it works, but any application that actually uses the file name to determine how to parse the file will fail.
  5. E

    How to transfer my addresses in address book from one email program to another.

    You need to get an account at Plaxo first. Then you download and install Plaxo for Mac. Then download Plaxo for Thunderbird, and install that in Thunderbird. Sync Mail with Plaxo first, and then sync Thunderbird. This way you get all the addresses from Mail to Thunderbird.
  6. E

    How to transfer my addresses in address book from one email program to another.

    I did this a while back, and the easiest way I found was to get a Plaxo account (free), and then sync Mail and Thunderbird to that account. Worked like a charm.
  7. E

    Black rectangle in Leopard

    Sounds like "Voice Over", a setting in System Preferences, in the "Universal Access" pane. Turn it off (Command+F5) and the rectangles'll probably go away...
  8. E

    Live editable paths in title bar

    Try command-clicking the title in the title bar. That reveals the enclosing folders as a drop down menu, and to move to one of them you just choose it.
  9. E


    Command-shift-3 will take a screen shot of the entire screen. Command-shift-4 will give you a cursor with wich you can select a portion of the screen to capture. Command-shift-4 and then space will give you a "camera cursor" that will capture the window you click on.
  10. E

    isight camera settings

    To adjust the image from iSight you need something like iGlasses: As for multiple cameras, it is possible IIRC, but most applications will only recognise one at a time, but you should be able to use one cam in one app, and another cam in other apps.
  11. E

    Host a web page on the web, home OSX mac

    Check this out, that's probably all you need (that, and port forwarding in your router). You can use any Mac you want, I'd use the oldest and slowest if I where you, as long as the traffic volume is low. The others can be put to better use...
  12. E

    flip4mac alternative????

    Well, so does H.264 and Flash video, in fact they play on even more systems since they play on Mac and Linux systems too. The real reasons why there are so many WMV files around are a) laziness and b) ignorance. A lot of people don't realise that there are alternatives, and most don't...
  13. E

    Sharing Itunes library using boot camp?

    Try doing it the other way around: move the library to your windows partition. Then you should be able to use it in both OS X and XP (just make sure to change the settings in iTunes so you don't copy the music files in OS X).
  14. E

    Leopards - spaces and lack of window focus

    I should've been more elaborate in my suggestion above... here's what I REALLY meant to write (but was to lazy to execute): After you Command-tab to Firefox, hit the shortcut for switching to the enxt window and then the shortcut for switching to the back window. That'll give focus to the...
  15. E

    iPhone unlock :: Europe

    Well, IPSF won't work with a downgraded iPhone, so that won't help...
  16. E

    Leopards - spaces and lack of window focus

    Try using the shortcut for window switching, that works for me. The shortcut depends on what language version of OS X you're using, in the swedish version it's Command+>.
  17. E

    iPhone unlock :: Europe

    The unlocked phones they sell in Germany only work with German carriers, and the "free" phones of France only work in France. There's no way around that at the moment, and the phones now on sale all have version 1.1.2 of the firmware, and can't be "jailbreaked". You're out of luck I'm afraid...
  18. E

    Provider-free iPhone now available...

    And it only works with German SIM cards. A swedish guy bought one to try to "do the right thing" instead of buying an american or british phone and jailbreaking it. So he pays double the money, and still needs to jailbreak it...
  19. E

    FTP (Download + Upload) icon on desktop?

    Oh for the love of God! Read the replies and check out the pages we've linked to! Both Cyberduck and Transmit will let you save bookmarks that you can put on your friggin' desktop and drag and drop your files on!
  20. E

    FTP (Download + Upload) icon on desktop?

    Url for Cyberduck was wrong, try this: Personally, I don't like it. I use Transmit (or FireFTP, an add-on to Firefox)... Unfortunately, Transmit isn't free, sessions and favorites stop working after the 15 day trial, and then you have to pay to get them back. I did...