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  1. T

    Puma PHP Install -how-???

    what exactly is then the difference?
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    SSH secure shell / SSI ???

    What is the difference between SSH and SSL, which is used for secured connections over HTTP ? Is it also possible to use something like a SSH - Port for secure WebSites???
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    okay :-) sorry for changing the content! but i'm over the step of the build-things! now i have the problem, to configure the ircd. 1. which folder needs ircd.conf? (/etc ?) 2. i know the man's and readme's, but i don't check, how to start the ircd! 3. ircdwatch says: "no .pid file."...
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    secured-pages with apache?

    wow :-) great reply :-))).... thank you, that there are real profis out in the world and find the way to this forums! ....
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    access_log (from Apache) says:

    in my apache "access_log" i always have some stupid entries like that: - - [21/Sep/2001:13:20:28 +0200] "GET /scripts/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 276 - - [21/Sep/2001:13:20:30 +0200] "GET /MSADC/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 274 - -...
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    is 10.1 supporting the "iSub"???

    hmmm.... funny. Somebody told me that too, but he sounds not competent.... in fact, i read an article on the Apple til's that iSub isn't supported..... and my iSub is also not working!.... (also don't show's his icon in the Sound-Settings)... is it possible, that you also have the...
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    is 10.1 supporting the "iSub"???

    owner of a harman kardon iSub.... longer wondering, why this feature was'nt supported, by the new OS! since 2-3 months, i read from apple, that a support "may be" in one of the next OS! is it supporting iSub now or not? *wonderwonderwonder* :confused: and, by the way, are there more...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    ... :-) .... *hihi*...... my fortune is to want make everything hackingsure, but i overlooked to compile/install the apache with "suexec".... *lol*...! so, thank you for the hint! :-) does anyone know, how to uninstall this "suexec"?... *hihi*.... (sorry darkshadow, i seem to fall from one...
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    Relational databases on OS X

    Yes, please!!!! I also would need a good database! :-) port it!!! :-)
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    Hi jimnr :-) i'm relatively familiar with the .htaccess things and the httpd.conf, but i get them already working, before i installed this "suexec_"-Things!.... Do you can give me (us) a shortly explaination of what this "suexec" is good or bad? (sounds like sudo for automation...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    in my case, the new apache (1.3.20) was putted in: /usr/local/sbin/apachectl the old is still in: /usr/sbin/apachectl To make the Systempreferences->Sharing still working: delete or move the old apache from whatever directory he is (/usr/sbin/apachectl) and make a link to the new...
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    Is anyone else having a problem with flash?

    i saw, that this version of the shockwave /ie. flash.plugin only plays .swf files, which are directly involved, but in the form :"extension" it does not recocnise them.... (have my own flash.side, some works, some not, exactly because they are in different ways bound in the page)... hope they...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    Thank you very much, Darkshadow :-).... yes, it's quiet the same work, to open the terminal and start it from over there, than open the prefs/sharing and click the button.... i don't know, why i always look for solutions, which are "idiot"-"save" at least! :-).... (perhaps, because in a...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    oh man, now i'm unsure, which one is the 1.3.20 or the 1.3.19!.... if i start via "apachectl start" then i have no problems, and in the HTTP-Comment it says to be the 1.3.20, but if i start via ->Systempreferences->Sharing->, then the button hangs and in the console i can see about 9 modules...
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    secured-pages with apache?

    could it be, that it would work, if i simply would configure the apache httpd.conf file too use the port of ssl instead of :80, ???.....
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    secured-pages with apache?

    Hello :-) there are webpages, which allows/recommends "secure connections". (not just a login and password from the .htaccess file)... well i heared it should have to do something with "ssl" or port-mapping... but i'm not further informed about these things! apple's buyers-pages...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    well.... :-).... after all i'm trying around now with an installation-script (i've found) which should helps in any problems with apache ... :-).... it's running since 30min..... and has a lot of compiling... well, hope, that it's rescueing my day :-))) ...ähm.... it works :-))))))).... (it...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    Okay Darkshadow :-) (a smile more!!!) after i followed the instructions of you: * I made a symlink in /usr/lib from libSystem.dylib to libdl.dylib > cd /usr/lib > ln -s libSystem.dylib libdl.dylib * put the -ldbm behind the line: "EXTRA_LIBS= " (once with -lndbm, once with -lgdbm and...
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    does anybody know, where i can find these "EXTRA_LIBS" to put in these recomended -ldbm, -lndbm or -lgdbm 's ??? *wonder*.....
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    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    [localhost:WebServer/build-apache-1.3.20/apache_1.3.20] root# ./configure --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max --with-layout=Darwin --prefix=/usr Configuring for Apache, Version 1.3.20 + using installation path layout: Darwin (config.layout) Creating Makefile Creating...