Search results

  1. ElDiabloConCaca

    Is it possible to put a border around windows in OS/X ?

    The level of GUI customization you're looking for just is not present in Mac OS X. There are other workaround that may help (window management, utilities, etc.), but if you're hell-bent on changing how the windows look and feel, you may be disappointed to learn that this is obscenely difficult...
  2. ElDiabloConCaca

    Data recovered to NTFS drive.

    I would recommend this: 1) Get your iMac up and running. 2) Restore any and all files and data from the NTFS drive back to the iMac 3) Double-check that you've copied/restored everything you want from the NTFS drive. 4) Triple-check that you've copied/restored everything you want from the NTFS...
  3. ElDiabloConCaca

    Running a G5 iMac with a disconnected fan?

    I don't want this to devolve into an off-topic discussion of Darwin Awards, but I had to chime in about my friend, Matt. Matt's eyes were dry, and he wanted to put a drop of Visine in them. So he reached for the bottle of Visine sitting next to his bed, leaned back, and put two drops in each...
  4. ElDiabloConCaca

    hiding folders from other users

    Or, ensure that they're not system-level or Mac OS X-specific folders (in other words, they are folders you created), and just set the permissions on the folders to exclude users who shouldn't be perusing them. You know, the vanilla, tried-and-true UNIX way!
  5. ElDiabloConCaca

    Airport Extreme: External HD | Network Set up | Xbox Streaming Question

    1) You need to format the drive as "Mac OS X Extended" with a partition map of GUID. More than likely, it currently has an MBR partition map. Let us know if you need help with either of these. NTFS is read-only by default under Mac OS X. You can read, but not write, to NTFS-formatted drives...
  6. ElDiabloConCaca

    Do MacBook Air Batteries Really Last 5 Years?????

    1. The batteries charge cells more evenly, distributing wear and tear across all cells in the battery, as opposed to the old battery technology, which always charged them in the same order -- which caused a few cells to go bad quicker than others, hence why the "best practice" for those...
  7. ElDiabloConCaca

    Sharing iPhoto Library via Dropbox

    Try this: Copy the iPhoto Library out of the Dropbox folder, onto your desktop (of whichever computer is prompting you to upgrade the library). Then, launch iPhoto with the option key held down and select the iPhoto library that you copied to your desktop. When prompted to upgrade the...
  8. ElDiabloConCaca

    No .fig thumbnail in Finder

    I believe that Mac OS X's icon preview works with only a few types of files, Xfig not included. I don't think you're going to be able to get Mac OS X to do icon previews with .fig files. Can you post the contents of your bash script that generates previews in Ubuntu? Perhaps it can be tweaked...
  9. ElDiabloConCaca

    Any Parental Control Software for Mac?

    No, you can't get it for free. That's called "piracy" and is illegal. If it costs money, you have two options: 1) Pay for it. If you absolutely need it, it's worth it. 2) Find an alternate solution.
  10. ElDiabloConCaca


    Ignore this -- thought I was giving useful information, but it's not pertinent to the issue OP is talking about. Sorry! Reminders should work the same -- they still use special IMAP folders/messages on your email server (all behind-the-scenes stuff), but in Mountain Lion, instead of using the...
  11. ElDiabloConCaca

    Default installation path

    Use "which", like so: which emacs That'll tell you the full path and name of the emacs program used, given the place where it resides is in the PATH.
  12. ElDiabloConCaca


    Are you using a Mac or a PC with your iPod now? Have you tried performing a "Restore" operation on the Mac (if you're using one) from within iTunes to reset the iPod to its factory-default settings? What particular model of iPod are you using?
  13. ElDiabloConCaca

    Port theory, Port Map software and Minecraft

    You don't need port map software, you simply need to "forward" the ports on your router to the proper computer connected to the router. Software communicates via IP addresses combined with "ports" -- for example, if you were to run a web server on a computer behind your router, you would want...
  14. ElDiabloConCaca

    Iphone Car Mount Options?

    If its a network problem, there's nothing you can do about it. You don't have access to Verizon's network, so the problem may lie 100% in their court. Also, not to belittle your problem, but there will, most likely, always be network problems that are inherent to cell phones.
  15. ElDiabloConCaca

    Sopcast on Mac

    It appears that there is no currently-offered Mac version of the software. Perhaps they are working on a version, but it is not ready yet.
  16. ElDiabloConCaca

    rebooting MBA from old MB HD, possible or not?

    Sometimes that'll work, sometimes not. The problem may stem from the fact that the hard drive contains a Snow Leopard installation that may not include all the drivers for the newer MacBook Air, and so it's failing to boot. Are there things on the old hard drive that you need and can just copy...
  17. ElDiabloConCaca

    App Store presents unneeded updates.

    Also, if you do strange things like try and "organize" your /Applications folder, or move applications out of the original directory they were installed in, then you can experience stuff like this.
  18. ElDiabloConCaca

    Microsoft posts first quarterly loss in company history

    Eh, it's one quarter. McDonald's and Disney did the same thing recently (posted their first loss in many years) and they're doing fine. Now, if they consistently start posting quarterly losses like RIM, then we've got something to talk about!
  19. ElDiabloConCaca

    Keychain arrrggghhh

    Are you logged in under an administrator account, or a regular user account?
  20. ElDiabloConCaca

    iCloud issue

    iCloud allows you to share iWork documents between ALL iOS and Mac OS X computers/devices that are set up to use the same iCloud account. If your MacBook Pro and Mac mini are configured with the same iCloud account, you should be able to work on the same iWork documents on both machines.