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  1. Chibi15

    Steve's Keynote in QT6

    No. Your OS9 QT will be untouched
  2. Chibi15

    Steve's Keynote in QT6

    The keynote is available as video-on-demand as an MPEG 4 stream (you will need QT6 to view it) at I don't know a way to download it - some adress leaked some days ago where you could download the whole 300 MB keynote but it seems that apple has...
  3. Chibi15

    IE 6 for Jaguar?

    I can’t tell you if and when a new version of IE will be available but i can tell you that scrolling webpages in IE are much faster in Jagwire than in 10.1.5 - but window resizing still is sluggish (but that’s an problem of IE because the other browser i’ve tested resize smoothly) But the...
  4. Chibi15

    "minimize in place" still MIA?

    No - i dont even have the game :)
  5. Chibi15

    OS X Graphics Display

    The icons in macosx are generally stored in various resolutions in an .icns file in the application's bundle - the sizes are 16x16, 32x32,64x64,96x96 and 128x128 and quartz calculates the steps between this sizes (if there is only one 128x128 icon quartz theoretically would also calculates the...
  6. Chibi15

    OS X Graphics Display

    There are generally two types of images - pixelbased (like TIFF, JPEG, GIF etc) and vector-based (EPS etc) - pixel-images consist of pixels describing the color for every pixel in the image. Vector-images are using lines and fills to describe a picture - so what’s the difference for the user...
  7. Chibi15

    "minimize in place" still MIA?

    I think the preference "always minimize in place" is gone but you still can control-click the yellow button to minimize in place
  8. Chibi15

    OS X Graphics Display

    OSX’s graphic system is very complex and powerful. Graphic compositing is done by "Quartz" - which is based on display PDF - which is not yet Open GL accelerated (“Quartz Extreme”_which means OpenGL accelerated Quartz compositing is a feature in Jaguar) - every window is stored in a buffer...
  9. Chibi15

    Which cellphone SJ used during Macworld?

    During his keynote speech at Macworld 2002 Steve Jobs presented iSync and other features with an bluetooth cellphone - does anybody know which cellphone it was?
  10. Chibi15

    How would a move to x86 would effect current users?

    But AFAIK all major commercial applications today like all Adobe and Macromedia products are Carbon - so Carbon also have to be ported to x86 to run - or could the entire Carbon enviroment ported and the applications stay untouched? :confused:
  11. Chibi15

    How would a move to x86 would effect current users?

    If apple is really moving to x86 - what would that mean to the current customers? Will all applications need to be rewritten? Will there be two versions of all applications for some time? I've buyed my iMac just 2 months ago - will it become useless (most new applications for x86 Mac...
  12. Chibi15

    Thank god! We can keep our email-account for free!!!

    Read here Click here for the full story ( it seems that the button is not here yet but its stated in the help document so... )
  13. Chibi15

    New iTunes Look; Steve Jobs, Cocoa

    The iTunes 3 window does live-resize... (except in visuals mode)
  14. Chibi15

    New iTunes Look; Steve Jobs, Cocoa

    You guys could simply copy the iTunes 2 Icon and paste it on the iTunes 3 Application :)
  15. Chibi15

    NO .Mac services for free (official)

    actually MPEG-2 decoding is available.. look into the online-story - cyou can purchase the component there - 30$ i think
  16. Chibi15

    iTunes 3 crazy preformance boost

    any more questions? ;)
  17. Chibi15

    NO .Mac services for free (official)

    Also look here (new look!)
  18. Chibi15

    NO .Mac services for free (official)

    But you have to pay for it - there are no free services left... all will be free services will discontinued in september
  19. Chibi15

    NO .Mac services for free (official)

    Well - read here..