Search results

  1. Browni

    Looking for Hotel Reseivation / Booking system

    Hi peeps, Im looking for a hotel booking / resivation system, for a client. The cheeper the beter. I have found but i cant seem to get it to install on my server, to test it. Any ideas? Thanks, Adam
  2. Browni

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    if they are going to do this, why release 10.4 for PPC?
  3. Browni

    Filemaker pro questions

    Guys(and Gals), I have a fileamaker pro database to hold all my contact information for my customers. It does everything that i want it to do except i would like it to remind me (on a date basis) when actions have to be taken e.g. ring customer and talk about new business, or monthly check...
  4. Browni

    User Forum?

    Id like to put my services forward to host/ design a site dedicated to this idea ( possibly with the Badge?)
  5. Browni

    Installation Music

    i know you could woth the jaguar install, it was a file somere on the install disk, cant find it on the panther cd, and i havent got tigrer yet so i dont know :)
  6. Browni


    yay :)
  7. Browni

    Nova EV 1.0.8; is it a good game?

    apprently they wont do this becuse it would take to much time, plus they have got a Widonze version now so they want to get that at the same level of playaship. :)
  8. Browni

    First real trojan appeared on OS X

    Guys, I fear i may be the first person to have experienced this. I just woke my mac up from sleep, and all my iTunes music is GONE! nothing in the music folder of my home all Gone! i might have got a MP3 trogan/virus (as i did 'get' some music only 4 days ago)
  9. Browni

    Come all gather round....

    THanks mkdy and gogshire :)
  10. Browni

    EMERGENCY ISSUE: Cannot use keyboard

    Fsk - y might help ( im no unix person i think thats the right one)
  11. Browni

    Come all gather round....

    Im not using a CMS but a series of php include statements with a if Get_$[page] statement to control the sending out of content.
  12. Browni

    Come all gather round....

    ....and view my brand spanking new website! Enjoy. Any problems?
  13. Browni

    changing a css statement depending on the reuslt of $_GET['page']

    thanks guys i will check out CSS edit, shareware i expect?
  14. Browni

    changing a css statement depending on the reuslt of $_GET['page']

    Mkdy. one word THANK YOU **bows down in awe** thanks :D
  15. Browni

    changing a css statement depending on the reuslt of $_GET['page']

    i really need to learn so me CSS and stop relying on Dreamwever to do it for me, because i have very little idea with it.
  16. Browni

    Adium and 10.3.9

    Its a Javascipt scroller that does the auto scrolling, it will be fixed. the problem lies with java in 10.3.9, they changed somthing apperntly.
  17. Browni

    changing a css statement depending on the reuslt of $_GET['page']

    that would make it __________ as aposed to | | | | Right?
  18. Browni

    changing a css statement depending on the reuslt of $_GET['page']

    I have a site tabbed navigation at the top, this is done by CSS, every tab has a off state, and an on state the on state for each tab is the same. the content is controlled by a $_GET['page'] statement, is there a way to change the state of a tab depending on the result of $_GET['page']? for...
  19. Browni

    Adobe to aquire Macromedia

    amazing i never expected this! Go live - DIE Dreamweaver - LIVE Free Hand - never used it Cold fusion / Contribute - would love it to have a small sized CMS side Photoshop + flash paper - really cool idea