Come all gather round....

Main page a little too blah
Services page really doesn't have any info. You should include more details, samples, etc.
Gallery link requires you to click on a second link for the Gallery page.

Just my two cents, not that it's actually worth two cents :)
bobw said:
Main page a little too blah
Services page reaaly doesn't have any info. You should include more details, samples, etc.
Gallery link requires you to click on a second link for the Gallery page.

Just my two cents, not that it's actually worth two cents :)

I would have to say the same..
and this is worth 1¢
You might want to take a look at your code too. You have multiple HEAD & BODY tags as well as multiple instances of DOCTYPEs in there. If you're using some kind of CMS system like Drupaul or Mombo, it's probably a bug in the templates.
Im not using a CMS but a series of php include statements with a if Get_$[page] statement to control the sending out of content.
You could make your menu less wide and use half of the horizontal lines.
You could insert some information into your footer, like contact email, date last updated, sitemap, valid CSS/XHTML (if applicable), top, etc.
You could use the h1 as title, using the same capitalisation etc. to increase consistency.
Just some observations. :)
Browni said:
Im not using a CMS but a series of php include statements with a if Get_$[page] statement to control the sending out of content.

Ok...use the view source feature of your browser on the page and you'll see what's happening. Basically some of the DIV sections (main & news) have a DOCTYPE, HEAD, BODY, LINK, META, & TITLE tags in them.

The fix is just to remove everything but the content for each section.

News probably looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<p>Site Active. Gallery up. <a href="index.php?page=contact">Contact me</a> if you have any problems </p>

Should look like this:
<p>Site Active. Gallery up. <a href="index.php?page=contact">Contact me</a> if you have any problems </p>
I like the simplicity of the site, but you have several grammatical and spelling errors in the text areas (e.g. "gallery is spelled incorrectly when one clicks on the gallery). No matter how great your services might be, someone might be hesitant to give you money if it doesn't look professional. Find a friend who is great with grammar to proofread all the text for you.