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    New smallscale Jaguar features...

    Hi Stovak, ODBC is not just an Oracle technology, but was developed by many of the RDBMS vendors, IBM, Microsoft, etc as an implementation of the SQL CLI partition of the spec that deal with making SQL portable across databases. and thanks Roger - I like my title too :)
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    New smallscale Jaguar features...

    Hi Folks, ODBC has been around on the Mac for as long as OpenLink (almost 10 years). We have ODBC drivers for pretty much all databases on all platforms, allowing Mac to be a first-class citizen in data-access. What this new inclusion in Jaguar does is make the ODBC control panels and...
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    Can Apache talk to FileMaker

    OpenLink already has ODBC drivers native to Mac OS X, as well as the Driver Manager and all the other bits you will need. They can be downloaded for free at To use ODBC from Apache, e.g. via PHP or Perl, you will need to link the languages against the Driver Manager. We...
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    PHP4 on Mac OS X 10.0 ???

    Well, the install instructions in the Manual are pretty close. To point you in the right direction: - what is your configure line? - how do you know it's not working (error messages, etc) Best regards, Andrew Hill
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    Is there an ODBC-equivalent on Macs?

    OpenLink provides both ODBC and JDBC drivers for the Mac, as well as an Open Source ODBC SDK ( to enable application binding. We have provided ODBC on the Mac since our inception, and continue to have a strong committment to the Mac OS. OpenLink supports connectivity from any Mac...
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    accessing Oracle8i from PHP-on-OS X

    OpenLink's Multi-Tier drivers can get you connected to Oracle8i from PHP on Mac OS X. Compile PHP --with-iodbc to get the ODBC Drvier Manager installed (howto at and then install the MT drivers from, chosing Mac OS X as the client and your Oracle8i db machine...
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    PHP4 on Mac OS X 10.0 ???

    Hi, There is a HOWTO on getting PHP / apache installed (with the iODBC Driver Manager) on Mac OS X, at The iODBC Driver Manager allows you to drop in ODBC drivers, so you can use back-end data from local or remote relational databases in your PHP apps served from your...
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    Relational Databases for MacOS X

    Hi, You may wish to check out Virtuoso. It's an SQL92 Relational Database in it's own right, and can also act as a 'Virtual Database'. This means that you can install it on Mac OS X, and link in tables from multiple back end databases transparently...
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    Mac OS X and databases

    Frank, Look at Virtuoso It works with OS X, as well as Omnis. Virtuoso is a full SQL92 RDBMS for OS X. You can access via ODBC or JDBC, and it comes with the necessary drivers. The free copy available does not expire and has no limits in functionality...