I actually decided to bust out my 5.5 documentation, and read up on ODBC and OS X. In OS 9 and below, FileMaker Pro installs an ODBC control panel, for use with the application. This, however, is not so under OS X. My guess would be that you're only choice to get ODBC and FileMaker under Apache would be to use PHP...however, I find no direct documentation on how to get this working, nor have I tried it myself. DataDirect promised an OS X native version of ODBC 3.7 for Mac OS X towards the end of May, and I have yet to see an update for it. Your only choice then becomes AppleScript, and some neat shell scripting to get AppleScript to talk to Perl, and then dump out your data, this however, is limited. I suppose you could first get your record count, return that to Perl for a loop counter, and then read in all your data into arrays, and pump them out. Seems like alot of work to me. Let me know if you find any solution!